This is an important post.
When my students announce they’ll do any job as long as it makes them rich, I try to help them see there are many careers that offer plenty of cash and personal satisfaction. When they tell me they’re going to be the next top athlete, I tell them they better be practicing every day, right now.
The truth is, we can see our passions in how we spend our time. I tell all my students, and my kids, that if they plan on becoming something, they better be doing it now. (That’s usually when they settle on becoming a video game designer.)
We as parents and educators need to find ways for our children and students to explore their passions now. If a kid wants to be a vet, there’s no reason why she can’t be putting in a few hours at a local shelter as a volunteer. My son likes dancing with his yo-yo, so I’m looking into an internship with the Smother’s Brothers
See that's what I'm talking about! That is so cool that you are trying to explore what he wants to do. Great Example . A good way to get a sense of what your kid would like to do is to observe what they spend alot of time doing and enjoy.