Apex Legends Ranked | Playing with strategy yields good results!

in #dtube6 years ago

Hello guys, watch me playing this match on Apex Legends! We got 1st place on this one! Strategy is key to Apex. When the squad knows how to hold ground and the time to rush, things get easy.

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Is this on console or computer?

Hey, it's on computer ;)
AMD specs
fx 8150
HD 7950
16gb ram

Bugger, I was hoping you knew a way to stream from console to Dtube.
Great game, my kids are hooked on fornite though, so I don't get much console time these days.😒

Once Dtube is linked to PS4, I will be able to tell the kids I need the playstation "for work" 😉

I see, hope they link soon! It can be an awesome feature for Dtubers and bring a lot of people in. Fortnite is a great game too!