In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Equifax data hack, Uber spying charges on Lyft, moves against the U.S Petrodollar by Venezuela, Hurricane Irma hitting Florida, Nigel Farage getting censored plus a lot more news that you won't get anywhere else.
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Damn, can't get either link to work... upvoting anyways big fan of your work!
Interested on your take on Venezuela. Hopefully, I'll get it to work later on.
The War is ending in Syria. Now they are looking for an excuse with North Korea which will piss off China too.
The world is run by criminals. The economic and government systems encourage psychopathic behaviours. They use fear, lies, intimidation, poison, programming, distractions, scarcity, our own beliefs, and anything else they can think of to control us... Thank you Luke for continuing to question authority and to track and expose these criminals as best you can. You inspire, empower, educate, the people. Keep up the good work, I'm happy to support you.
#StayWoke There is so much going on behind the scenes...
The war is ending, which is amazing news, Om yah shanti shanti.
You said something about Israel shooting rockets at Syria now? Lets hope this is not going to turn into an even bigger conflict.
Clear your throat before you start the vid........ if you like, I'm a libertarian ish
The Black list hit Mark Dice and the health ranger too.
It also hit some of my videos.
@lukewearechange This is awesome! Love it.