
Interesting that you mentioned this type of thing --- harassment --- being a sport for them...

Remember this little gem from 2014?


This was when a bunch of Israelis gathered on a hilltop outside of the town Sderot to watch the army drop bombs on Gaza, for allegedly firing rockets into Israel - which, incidentally, if I recall correctly, didn't do a lick of damage or injury (closer to bottle rockets perhaps?).
Story here.


:'( I'm glad you remember.

The 2014 campaign really exposed Israel with the help of Twitter and on-the-ground journalism.

Yes, I guess that is the only bright side, the more vicious the zionist state acts, the more people wake up to the truth.

The settlers are also so right-wing and ultra-conservative that it is making the everyday Israelis question if they want more of these people (NOT from the region) influencing their country's politics and hyping up the hate.

Yes, it seems more and more every year there are Jewish voices denouncing zionism. There is a HUGE difference between a Jew and a Zionist. I wish more people would realize and research that. I've also seen more and more protests in Israel against the occupation. So there are some slivers of hope.

It's so horrible what those poor people in Palestine are going through. No human being deserves to be treated in such a way. Unfortunately, it's a powerful group going after a weaker group and when one contests or criticizes the powerful group they're labeled as 'discriminatory, racist or anti-semitic'. Humanity, morality and decency do not matter when strong-arming is confused as true strength. It's nothing new or special. History is repeating itself. My grandfather fled Armenia during the genocide in the early 20th century. He died when I was 8 years old but not before I heard of his experiences at the hands of the Turks. It's 100 years later now and the Turks still deny what they did. Again, no human being deserves such awful treatment but unfortunately that's how it is right now in parts of the globe. I hope that some officials in positions of power will be able to overcome whatever burdens they bare and will stand up for what is right.

Yes, all over the world the same game plan has played out, colonialism/colonization/neocolonialism...destroying people with lesser weapons, stealing all of their land, genocide, ethnic cleansing. Might is right, right? It makes me so sad. Even now as I type this I am in so-called 'Canada', formerly known as Turtle Island, a land which was ethnically cleansed hundreds of years ago :'( It's just so hard to watch the same thing happening in real time, and knowing we can put a stop to it, yet it just continues.

The BDS movement is our best chance at stopping israel's ethnic cleansing. In its own way, it gives us the 'position of power' if enough people can join, and boycott everything made by them in the occupied territories and of course not crossing that picket line and entering israel to do business, perform etc.

I'm not familiar with the BDS movement. Is this the link? I'll do my research on it and try to get involved. I'm a big proponent of voting with your dollars and doing anything you can, however small it may be.

Yes, that is their official page, you got it @josephmcconnell! Thank you so much for joining the boycott my friend!!

There is no difference between settlers and terrorists, must stop this terror on Palestinians

Thank you for having open eyes, and for knowing the true situation in the occupied territories.

I have known this situation for a long time, I blame the Arab Presidents for their silence on these ongoing violations against the Palestinians and the Holy Land

Yeah and they, like pretty much all other so-called 'leaders', only care about who is lining their pockets.

Unfortunately, quite a few of the "leaders" of the Arabic nations are in on it! Psychopathy "doesn't discriminate", and they are all (including western leaders) in a little "club-of-psychopaths"


Yes and they all have the same god, even though most are fooled into thinking differently, their god is the almighty dollar and they all worship it for the power and control it brings them.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I've been to Palestine some 10 years ago, only for a few weeks. And I know exactly what you are talking about, I've seen those things with my own eyes, and when I came back it was hard to express myself and talk about all those things, I was so traumatized.
It was 3 years later when I wrote about my experiences. An updated version I put now on steemit:

Thank you for sharing Eve, I'll read your blog. Sending you Hugs...

The link doesn't work @evehuman :(

That brought tears...I've shared it on discord and will share in my other networks as well...thank you for the time you took to put all of that together Eve. I'm an emotional person like you and I totally relate to so much of what you say in your article.

It is so horrible what some people have to deal with...
thanks for sharing this news with the Steemit community.
Hopefully it can help spread peace to the world

Thank you so much for your understanding, and for your compassionate heart.

I was deeply moved by the story of palestine

Thank you for having an open heart, an open mind, and for standing up for Human rights!

You're welcome

Yes the Holohoax and the creation of Israel populated by awful Ashkenazim Jews from Central Europe has alot to answer for @lyndsaybowes !! Its really sickening when you consider the whole thing in its complexity !! Nothing good can come from this terrible passage in history !

Thank you so much for knowing your history @gomeravibz, the truth is just plain logic.

Not sure if you saw this article on SOTT, but I thought it might provide some more fuel for your fire. Keep on speaking out on this.

Thank you so much @brimax, I'll give it a read. Much love to you!

Keep fighting the fight!

I'll never stop as long as I'm alive.

it is inhumane that attacks the Palestinians, on their own land again. the world is shackled by them as if to affirm the oppression of the Palestinians. but god is there, wait for vengeance god

We all do not accept this for ourselves@lyndsaybowes


You remember the 6 day war? FACT: Israel defeated Egypt, Syria and Jordan! FACT: Israel captured the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. FACT: Israel gave most of the land back they rightfully owned for the sake of peace. FACT: There has been no peace. Be careful what you read folks the Palestinians love making up false stories. They all want pre 67 borders LOL. That's like playing poker losing all your money then crying for them to give it back, ok so they give WAY OVER HALF back! Now they're still crying to get the rest back. Muslims say they want peace but continue to lob rockets, drive cars over people, plant roadside bombs, shoot at passing by cars all in the name of peace. No matter what country they enter into they moan and cry and fight with anyone who is not Muslim.

In the end we're all brothers and sisters! We should love one another and have an open heart. God loves us all, repent and turn to him!

You believe that somebody can just go in and if he has the bigger weapons and the support of the biggest bullies (the United States of America) and steal somebody else's land?
What about this:
A gang with guns comes into your house and tells you to leave, and when you insist that this is against the law. Those thugs call you a whiner?
What kind of a morality is this?
The Palestinians are far, far, far less violent than the Israelis.
I have been there, I have seen it with my own two eyes.
I have seen the hatred and the racism of settlers and soldiers alike. These are no made up stories.
And who ever has the courage, go there, join a human rights group and then just watch what is going on, just watch.
If you are not yourself a psychopath, you will then realize who is the victim and who is the perpetrator and your heart will bleed for the Palestinian people as did mine.
And I'm not a Palestinian, I come from a partly Jewish background, because of this my Mom had a very hard childhood in German occupied Czechoslovakia. I used to be pro-Israel, before I found out what really was happening in Palestine

Did you watch my video @hasrry989?

Yes mam I did. I feel for you, I know your thoughts and feeling are real. I don't wish for any violence except for the Terrorist that must be stopped. I'm not saying Israel, The United States or any other country is perfect. They have all done their evil deeds.
Our views will likely never line up on this issue, but I will pray for you and I that we may be open to understand one another and lastly for peace on both sides of the line.

@evehuman The US had nothing to do with Israel winning the war. Look at any map with the pre 67 borders. Israel in 1950 and even today is about the size of New Jersey. A tiny county in comparison to Egypt, Syria and Jordan who were "going to push them into the sea and wipe them from the face of the earth"