HQ TRIVIA 12/27/2017 9PM EST
Prize: $2000!!!
Posted to youtube on 2017-12-27.

Round One:[1]
Which of these is
a real U.S. State?
- Oklachusetts
- Sideburn
- Arkansas

Round Two:[2]
Who painted “The Starry
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Vinnie Chase
- Vin Diesel

Round Three:[3]
Which of these animals is NOT
an omnivore in the wild?
- Pig
- Hedgehog
- Leopard

Round Four:[4]
The fourth revealed card in Texas
Hold ‘Em is called what?
- The river
- The turn
- The flop

Round Five:[5]
Which of these films is NOT
about time travel?
- Time Bandits
- Nick of Time
- Kate & Leopold

Round Six:[6]
Roughly how many stars
are estimated to be born in
the observable universe
each day?
- 275 Billion
- 275 thousand
- 275 million

Round Seven:[7]
Which of these board
games traces its roots
back the longest?
- Snakes and Ladders
- Monopoly
- Scrabble

Round Eight:[8]
Which of these foods is
highest in tryptophan?
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Turkey
- Tuna

Round Nine:[9]
What is defined as a small
lake that forms when a
river changes course?
- Billabong
- Estuary
- Polynya

Round Ten:[10]
Which of these boy bands
was NOT assembled
through a professional
casting call?
- ‘N Sync
- Backstreet Boys
- 98 Degrees

Round Eleven:[11]
Which Canadian has been
awarded the highest
civilian U.S. honor?
- Lorne Michaels
- Celine Dion
- Leonard Cohen

Who was the last U.S.
military officer to be
awarded the rank of Five-
Star General?
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Omar Bradley
- Colin Powel
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[1]: Arkansas 670361
[2]: Vincent Van Gogh 638294
[3]: Leopard 300132
[4]: The turn 150350
[5]: Nick of Time 77267
[6]: 275 Million 34950
[7]: Snakes and Ladders 19692
[8]: Pumpkin Seeds 5216
[9]: Billabong 1238
[10]: 93 Degrees 642
[11]: Lorne Michaels 165
[12]: Omar Bradley 61 WINNERS!