Advanced building Ep 31 Camouflagued Wall Hight | Rust

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Advanced builds like trap bases and basements often need foundations at different hights. Creating a problem of showing it to players outside. Making it easier to raid or warn potential victims.
Layering the base with double floors or having a hidden basement. This technique is hiding this weakspots. Confusing the enemy is an art in Rust.
Building it is possible on any level (does not have to be foundation level).

Have fun implementing it into your own base designs.

Advanced building is a dedicated series for Newbies and veterans alike. We share our building techniques to improve bases in rust. Rust building is straight forward, but it has many hidden options which is making it more complicated. We use them to find bugs and exploits. If we find any bugs or exploits we share them so everyone playing rust has a fair chance while playing rust. Often building bugs are fixed. That is why we have the [PATCHED] sign in our titles. So it is easier to indicate for you, if it is still working. Everything we make is to improve rust and give players tools to build varied bases.

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