i guess this 1 gun per month law is discriminatory for octupuses. how can an octopus get enough guns quickly for each arm! humans are limited to 2 hands... also many gun regulation arms dont limit your second ammendment allowing you to own any arm as many arms as you like for all your 8 arms...
even gun rallies dont respect 2nd ammendment
also here in most of europe people are not allowed to own arms unless you have a licence and the gun is carefully locked away at home... this might surprise you but we have less shootings too as a result... there are some terror attacks that do happen but without guns they are not as effective and you have knife attackers being chased with a chair and the tusk of a narwhal that happened to hang in a restaurant (true story)....
also USA has absolutely no respect for guns... switzerland has more gun ownership and 0 shootings...
and the difference between an african american shooting a white person and the reverse is about 30 years in prison... skin color makes many people in USA trigger happy and many racism issues are still very present in USA...