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RE: aging as a woman :|: are you invisible yet?

in #dtube6 years ago

Ha, that's actually a thing, the eye-contact-thing. "I don't know if other women have similar feelings."
Yes, now that I am confident enough to look into a stranger's eyes, they usually don't look back (rather after me, shaking their heads … :D) BUT since you, @hollistalks, are experiencing the same: That's definitely a Berlin thing. Three out of three Berliners … should have us thinking. :D

No, honestly. I criticize it daily! And I promise, if we should pass each other by at any time, I promise to have an open and smiling face. And being open doesn't have to be an invitation. It depends on a lot of things. Body language tells a lot! Nice to have you!


thank you for sharing you experience, @mayb

eye contact on the street is always an interesting thing. it can be interpreted so many ways. i'd say in philadelphia (where i grew up), it could also be interpreted in an even more negative way. almost a sign of aggression... in montreal (where i lived before berlin), i would almost say that it is more likely to actually be an invitation.

around last fall, i actually started making a conscious effort to smile more in public in order to make myself more open to people as well (even without direct eye contact) because i think i might look a little "unapproachable" when i don't smile. and it's great when someone smiles back.

i guess if we ever cross paths, there will be smiles all over the place then. :)

around last fall, i actually started making a conscious effort to smile more in public in order to make myself more open to people as well (even without direct eye contact) because i think i might look a little "unapproachable" when i don't smile. and it's great when someone smiles back.

My ears, well, my eyes are ringing! :D
Same. Exact same thing over here. Just that I decided it one fall earlier. When I learned about neuroplasticity and changed A LOT about my life. Everything basically. :) And that was one of those decisions. Being conscious of whatever I do. I purposely walk upright, smile and think positive. Becoming aware has changed my life. I am so much more at ease with myself and everything surrounding me. And you attract what you send out so it becomes some kind of lucky circle and in the end, you smile automatically for you are simply happy and grateful for all the beautiful things that manifest into your reality. <3