in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

DTube Video Below

Watch YOUTUBE Finally SUSPENDED Our Account video on DTube

After torturing us for months with videos being restricted, demonetized and subscribers being unsubscribed, they finally seem to have suspended our account. Accounts all over Youtube that the diversity team finds offensive, are being shut down.

Youtube actually claimed that we were spamming from our account? WHAT?! I have no idea why they would claim that unless it was our video that sent them over the edge. But there are lots of other channels that promote certain products so why could we not promote GUNS! They didn't like the guns in the video. These snowflakes melt and run at the first sign of alpha manliness sending soda bottles to meet their maker.


We have obviously appealed their decision but I'm sure the same snowflake princess will be the one to deny said appeal and we will then have 2 months to download and backup our videos before they terminate the account.



It looks like for us going forward, it will be full steem ahead!


Shame on YT!!
I HOPE you'll be able to post here and make new ones here too.
I've been quietly listening to people complain about YT a lot lately.
Steemit can corner the video market now

RIGHT! We are going to be full STEEM AHEAD!

I can't believe the censorship online lately. It's terrible!
I've loved you videos forever... steem on and make more. Show YT that liberalism is DOA!

So sorry to hear this happened to you guys, though not all that surprised given what we've been saying for years regarding our YouTube "experience".

I hear that "gender-fluid" makeup tutorials are all the rage these days however. Perhaps YT might even start promoting you guys and give you free money, if you decide to "pivot" in that direction...

LOL...yeah how about gender fluid firearms training? Ill call it Napalm for Nancies.

LOL---that's hilarious. Gotta keep a sense of humor. Glad there's an alternative now to youtube---Keep going full steem ahead!raw.gif

"community guidelines," when black people don't like you because you're white and making videos.

YouTube : The Dawn of a New Error

That's funny!

Google has come to think they're too big to fail. They don't seem to understand that video files can be hosted anywhere and designing delivery interfaces is not a big deal for most programmers.

It's an immutable law of business that when you start treating your customers with contempt, they'll go somewhere else - with advertisers following close behind.

They're really shooting themselves in the foot (can I say that?). My prediction is that YouTube ends up turning into a vast forsaken wasteland of cat videos and juvenile pranks.

They think they will always be on top. Youtube, Meet MySpace.


Had to figure this was coming. YouTube/Google is trying to kill off anything that doesn't fit their agenda. Fortunately DTube is up and running, even though it's missing a lot of bells and whistle that we (the consumers) have grown used to with YouTube.

Well my upvote is worth more here ... we will all be here soon... nice to see you here ....

YT has made themselves so PC it isn't funny! They are stifling free speech at an alarming rate. I am sorry this has happened to you. I know it is only a matter of time before more and more of us end up in the same boat.

Yeah, a lot of good channels are being shut out and down. Some people I think are in denial but its happening.

At the risk of having virtual rotten fruit thrown at me (ha ha), I will admit I am a fairly liberal person ... BUT, I am also a homesteader and I completely support the videos you are sharing! You're not encouraging murder or crimes... you're teaching people to butcher their own food, for goodness sake! It's ridiculous. I'm glad to support you here on Dtube and hope your viewership grows. I just wanted you to know that you do have some "lefties" out there who aren't extremely to the other side, who do admire and support your work. But please don't call me a snowflake. We're not all like that! ;)

Then you're not a liberal.

  1. Liberals believe that you need to rely on government for all your sustainance.
  2. Liberals believe that only the government should school your children and you shouldn't be able to homeschool.
  3. Liberals believe that you have no need to raise your own food because the FDA says that is dangerous and you need to purchase your food at the store.
  4. Liberals believe that butchering animals is murder and no different than killing another person and you shouldn't eat meat often if ever.

No, @littleredfarm, you are NOT a lefty. If you support the things you see in this channel, you are a conservative and lean heavily right compared to the base of the progressive left. If you support our channel and the things we do and you do them yourselves, you are not a snowflake. Far from it. And thank you for your support. It means a lot. :)

Once upon a time when I was a Yankee living in Tennessee, I got labeled a liberal and was treated pretty badly for it during election time. I guess I let that label follow me.

As an example, in reference to your #4 point, I believe in animal welfare, but NOT animal rights. I believe the animals we raise on our homestead deserve to be treated well and have healthy, good lives while they are living, but I have no problem putting them in the freezer when the time comes.

You make some great points that I will have to spend some time chewing on. Thanks for the insightful response!

How sad. The content you provided on YouTube was awesome just as on here. This is obviously a one sided attack and they control the content they wish to promote. They are just as bad as the government owned media. I am starting to think we all just need to ban You Tube. I guess they don't realize they are pushing the great composers right into the arms of Steemit and other forms of media output. Pretty soon they will realize what they have done but it will be too late. Glad you are still on Steemit though and so sorry you have had to go through all this. There is a reason for everything. God Bless.

I'm not worried. We are adapting and overcoming the challenges in short order.

They hammered Shawn Woods, the mouse trap Mondays guy. This makes me so angry. Mice are vermin. Vermin in the garden deserve death!

I must have missed that...dang. Those sound funny.

Does "suspended" mean that you can't upload any new videos to your channel? Will your old videos remain or will they eventually be taken down? Are your other channels okay or have they been "suspended" too?

You may not know the answers to these, but I thought I'd ask. We will eventually be posting video and will probably just skip to DTube or Viewly instead of using Youtube.

Wish you all the best... and keep posting!

I think we have 2 months before the channel is taken down. The "other channel" is still up....for now.

Good to hear that they haven't taken action against your other channel yet. But I'm glad you found Steemit and have become active here.

YT is the new Big Brother. Unfortunately, it is a property of Google and they are getting out of hand. Yours was the first channel I subscribed to. Steem On brother!

Thanks for your support! It means a lot!

Always here for you buddy!

Zac, I watched this video actually on Facebook yesterday, because I don't check YT anymore, but I did go over and check it out, and yes I had been unsubscribed. Thing are getting out of hand, just a few people in the world control the mass media, it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better! Hope DTube gets the buffering issue straightened out soon. Keep up the good work!

Lots of people reported being unsubbed. Thanks for keeping up with us!

Thanks for leading me to Steemit Zac. This is shocking that YouTube would cancel an account like yours, very Orwellian.

Every employee at google and youtube needs to be sent a copy of 1984.

Unbelievable. You worked so hard on your channel. Sorry to hear that. I hope that DTube will make it. Keep it up guys. Thank you.

Every post is going to have a Dtube and Vimeo video to view...that way nothing will get missed. THANKS!

Google/YT has been infiltrated by sissy, cry baby male feminist wank shafts!
I've never even watched your videos but this pusses me off so much! Good luck.

Thanks for commenting. Hope you will stop by again!

youtube suspender your account while you are posting your original videos? WTF

YouTube turned into TV only thing I've seen TV's good for is the
screens can be used for solar ovens lol Thank you for all the great work you do.

What is this TV thing you mention? ;-) I unplugged mine years ago and never looked back!

Hmmm not sure, its been many years now also since getting rid of that annoying box lol

How hard is it to post videos on Dtube?

The censorship on these corporate sites is out of control.

Control the views, control the thoughts...Not like I did not shout this out to many folks over a year ago that this was coming... Just be aware that google hangouts is also on their list...Sharing for all the others to see just how fast it is going to happen to them...

A trend, (this time bad) begun is often followed. If there is little fallout to youtube, all the other social media's will be taking what yours claiming it as theirs per user agreements, and then demand that you not re-post your stuff on other accounts, because you would be having a financial impact on them. (Financial impact on you does not count)

Yup been hearing from a few that Patreon is also going for more control of who they allow as well.

That is the beauty of the blockchain. You can post the content and no amount of corporate policies, court orders or whiny liberals can do anything about it. They don't control squat in this environment.

Land of the free??? Hum not looking that way. Freedom of speech??? Nope not that either!

That's so sad, those censorfags are disgraceful! :( How have things been going over here?

Pretty sure google is losing their mind for some reason. Maybe their servers are getting to big and they wont be able to afford them in the future.

Homesteading?! This should be fun. City boy is now subscribed.

Better than homesteading - Off Grid homesteading. Not connected to any utilities - electric, gas, water, sewer - and thriving. :)

the thriving bit is what gets my attention as I know I would find way's to make that difficult and not by trying I just have that kind of luck :P

Shame on YouTube. They are cutting their noses off to spite their faces. I m not a great believer in censorship per se. I think it should be up to the individuals to police what they want to watch or not. When it comes to kids, it's a little different. To me, it's the parents' job to teach the children what is appropriate and what is not.

exactly how it should be :)

Completely shameful!

Not currently got a YouTube presence so I can only expect future problems. I have been trying for days to get dtupe to play my videos. What format are you exporting to?

I'm uploading in .mp4 format.

I use that but my editor gives 4 or so frame rates and resolutions.

24 f to 30

It's becoming obvious that they want to control all of the content on YouTube going forward. I wouldn't doubt if they soon announce that all videos will have to be approved before they are posted. And with that, YouTube will become irrelevant in a hurry.

With their 10,000 view before monetization policy, they have already drastically cut the number of people starting new channels. Now they are closing down bigger channels and demonetizing so many older videos its just obvious what they are doing. Sad and dumb.

It is dumb. They are creating the need for a competitor to rise when before there was none. Now, lots of new developments are scurrying to be the replacement youtube where creators can get paid. At some point not far in the future, their board of directors and share holders are going to look around at the lowered revenues and ask, "WTF just happened" and the directors will answer with "Diversity" to which the share holders and board members will respond with "diversity sucks and doesn't pay". But by then, it will be too late. Oh well.

I'm sorry they are doing this to you. You did well looking for alternatives early. @ironshield

Sorry to hear about your account on Youtube thats why we also started a Steemit account.
Keep your heads up and make them videos

so how will you do your live streams now ? will you use facebook or google hang out ? that sucks that they can force you out of your channel like that :( but you'll find a way around it I'm sure :)

Live streams are cancelled for the time being. Looking at options.

Perhaps routed thru FB?

Gezzz YouTube is a rat bastard!
Well, I am glad you guys made it over to Steemit! It has been neat to see you doing so well over here!!

You were the one leading me to steemit and I'm grateful for that. So far the community here has been much better than on youtube. As long as you make great content, I'm pretty sure most of us will follow you where ever you go.
If you don't mind me asking, will leaving YT have a great impact on your income? Or will you be able to make up for lost ground with steem?

from what I've been hearing those with fantastic content like your blogs will make or double your yt monthly pay in a very short amount of time :) I hope that's true

That's unfortunate. Hopefully Dtube can pickup some more in light of recent events with Youtube.

Simple budd bring it here this is your opportunity to shine @mericanhomestead looking forward to seeing it on have an upvote and follow from me as support

WOW! Can't say I didn't see it coming but man it's getting crazy! Well, I'll be here supporting you and yours anyway I can. Upvoted and resteemed!

I followed you over here, I am sick of YT messing with great content providers.

Yeah, its happening to a lot of creators. It's sad.

I up loaded my fist video here today on Dtube. Still having trouble getting a lot of videos to play. Thanks for helping me find steem and Dtube man. LOVE it here. God Bless

Hi I am inviting You,
I nominated Your post for the #minnowsfaucet community
You can post the link to your article here

The problem with YouTube & Google in general is that they don't like to see anyone other than THEMSELVES making any money online. I've had an online business since 2008 and luckily I never relied on any Google product for my bread and butter.

I remember about 8 years ago they kept sending me coupons trying to get me to try Adwords. I finally gave it a shot and a week later they terminated my Adsense account because of some perceived breach in their TOS. Never did get a good reason.

They make up the rules as they go along and if you don't give them a big enough cut of your earnings or you make a little too much money for their liking they have no problem taking down your channels & blogs, de-listing your websites, etc.

The bottom line is that the only reason I've been able to succeed online is because I never relied on any Google product to support my business or provide income.

Being an Internet Marketer, I know a lot of other marketers and talk to lots of them on a regular basis via Facebook & Skype. I cannot begin to tell you some of the horror stories I've heard.

I'm talking about people that were making 6 figures a year from YouTube & Adsense having their accounts closed with no notice and for no apparent reason.


BTW I love your vids and I upvoted and followed you :)

crzy! My husband said they were demonetizing but i had not seen it personally until now! WOW..grr...

Yt has become a joke platform only for empty content video,the free thinkers wil go to descentrelised networks i think.i noticed the big google censor long time ago force me to use tor.

At least you can be sure that no one can censor you on Dtube...

Fuck youtube. A relic of early 21st century.

It is a shame to see that YT suspended your account. There are far worse things on there that are no appropriate for kids, but they are till on that page. Thank you for letting everyone know that you moved here so we can still gain knowledge and insight on homesteading and homesteading life and the realities that come with it. Keep up the good work!

I'm jumping over to dtube now too. Youtube is definitely killing small niche content creators. After two years of being monetized, they told me that my channel is going to be demonetized starting in a couple weeks.

Since their new policy took place several months ago, I'll get a video of me teaching how to do some 3D modeling and it gets demonetized for no reason. No swearing, no music, just me talking over a screen capture.

I'm excited to see where dtube goes.

YouTube deleted my account also without any warnings even though I was in great standing. Oh well, time to move on full STEEM ahead 😊