In this video I go over a very extensive overview of all things Blockchain, from its initial public appearance through the creation of Bitcoin cryptocurrency to the endless applications. I also cover some of the mathematics that make all of this possible, which is in advancements in Cryptography, or the study of securing communications in the midst of third parties. The first implementation of a decentralized peer-to-peer distributed ledger that solves what it is known as the Byzantine Generals’ Problem as well as the infamous digital Double Spending problem was in 2009 by an anonymous person or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto, and in the form of a digital currency called Bitcoin. The implementation of Bitcoin, a year after its 2008 whitepaper illustrating the concept, utilized the first decentralized Blockchain algorithm. In just under 10 years, the value of Bitcoin has skyrocketed to $7000+ USD per coin as of the making of this video. But the underlying technology, a distrusted Blockchain has some truly game-changing capabilities.
Blockchain technology is made possible by the mathematics of Cryptography, namely the development of the Public-key or Asymmetric key encryption concept. This is a seemingly simple concept but its implications are monumental. Through the use of mathematical “one-way functions” that are easy to solve in one direction and extremely difficult to solve in the other, it is possible to share encrypted messages even if the third party gained full access to all the communications channels! Extending this to the blockchain, blocks of data with cryptographically secured by a timestamp can be chained together to form one very long secure chain. This chain of blocks, known as the blockchain, serves as the single agreed upon history of by all computers and thus people using the blockchain; all this without a central authority!
Other concepts I cover in this very long video is in Cryptocurrency Wallets, hard vs soft forks, the Bitcoin whitepaper, my favorite blockchain technology Steemit, and some of the things to know before creating your own cryptocurrency or heavily investing in a relatively unknown company. But as with all of my recent videos, I need to include a full disclosure into my views on Blockchain and all technology for that matter, and which is that I view most advancements in technology as a result of the powers-that-shouldn’t-be trickling down tech to us in a gradual manner. It is done this way so that there isn’t too much of a disruption to the current establishment and to better steer the world into more centralization. To learn more about my reasoning here, make sure to follow my ongoing video series on 9/11 and free energy: https://mes.fm/911truth-playlist and https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist. Blockchain technology, although has the ability to decrease centralization of control, it ironically can do just the opposite if its access is restricted by the governmental corporate monopolies such as the CIA, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook.
But whether Blockchain is a trickle-down technology or a truly great innovation by Satoshi Nakamoto, it nonetheless is a very special technology which if we smarten up, and avoid the consumerism propaganda pushed at us at all levels of society, we may in fact be able to use it to ensure a truly self-sufficient lifestyle free of government tyranny…
PDF Notes:: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIh4dVs3zFksqAN2pZnQ
Steemit Notes: https://steemit.com/blockchain/@mes/blockchain-overview-bitcoin-cryptocurrency-cryptography-and-satoshi-nakamoto
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View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/blockchain/@mes/blockchain-overview-bitcoin-cryptocurrency-cryptography-and-satoshi-nakamoto
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