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RE: How TV News Manufactures Consent - #PropagandaWatch

in #dtube6 years ago

You are clearly the most pretentious bastard...your feigned emotional response to this is as fake as your videos.

You make it up as you go, you cynic.

The are a lot of uncomfortable things we do in life. Examinations at the doctors, from sometimes doctors of the opposite sex from you. Examinations that include vaginal, penile, rectal, gynecological, and breast exams for women. For that matter we are fairly naked when we go into operating rooms. Your mind is the thing you are...don't get me wrong, sexual assault when it happens is wrong and should be punished by law. When it is sexual assault!

But what you state is horse shit James Corbett.

You are guilty of being a propagandist, a doublspeak cherry picker, of rare and unusual situations and blanket policy the whole works with your lies. No one is assaulted -- sex abusers don't sexually assault someone right out in public with other flyers watching on. The perpetually angry and fragile, the ones that need to go to a safe space after a TSA pat down are the ones you exploit. You exploit their neurosis, you've always thought this way.

There is no altruism in what you do; you do for the fame; you do for the money, you're an idiot, nihilist, who virtue signals his tribe, whose only reason for this is subversion, and raising dissent for no right reason but Socialism. So you make money exploiting peoples fear, and their misunderstanding of a sometimes not so easy procedure of safety and care.

Sexual assault can be seen in everything if you are easily micro-aggressed like yourself... is that who you pander to, the micro-aggressed, the constant complainer, the cynically impaired and afflicted mind? The person that looks at the TSA person with disgust. The TSA person who has seen that look and heard those insults for the umpteenth time that day. But must remain a professional and perform his duty.

You think they like that kind of emotional punishment.

One of your commentors the other day voiced that a TSA worker had committed suicide, gleefully she made a disparaging remark but failed to understand the man was supporting a family. He wasn't a pervert! He was wasn't sexually assaulting anyone! He was protecting her and people like her, from those who would hijack and kill, who would bomb us to dust.

The reason why you have no such laws in Japan is because Japan is of little concern; it is a small place that nobody wants to really go to... Nobody wants to immigrate to Japan. They want to come to America.

Some facts for you James Corbett, on the vast and complex airspace flight system of America...

Over 4 billion passengers flew in 2017.
15,800.000 flights were handled by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) each year ( and that number is rising).
43,000+ average daily flights handled each and every day by the FAA.
5,000 aircraft in the sky at peak operational times per day.
There are 19,346 US airports.
42,500,000,000 pounds of air freight per year is moved through American airspace ie parcels, suitcases, bags , name it. People fly it somewhere?
2,600,000 passengers fly in and out of the US Airports each and every single day --twice the population of Canada, every month.
Can you feel it Jimmy? Can you feel the rush of truth through your head -- like a fresh breeze after a thunder storm -- of how many amongst that wish us all dead, wish us the worst, are you getting a picture yet James? It only takes one person with a virus, a dirty bomb, explosive, guns, knives.......

It is not theater James, the TSA are dead serious about what they do, about what their responsibility is to airport and passenger security. They have bomb experts and mobile teams of sniffer dogs looking for chemicals and explosives. Their air marshals on planes have caused the drop of hijackings dramatically. And save lives everyday as belligerent passengers assault both verbally and accost people on flights. It is a prevention process, to help stop those that just want to see the world burn. Who want to damage America and its people, while they are exercising their right to fly anywhere.

People may if they wish get on a TSA pre check program -- after a back ground check, fingerprinting, one may gain a Known Traveler Number, which enables a quicker exit from airports according to the airlines that support it.

These weirdos that do wish to harm America. Will put bombs in their underwear, their shoes, on their children and wives, on their pets and old folks. They will transport bombs by flight. The TSA is an important security in a world going mad.

No one who is flying Internationally would mind a pat down, if they knew it purpose is to save lives -- which it does. But 'you" can only see the dark side, can only exploit the dark side. But you put down MSM, you are worse than MSM.

Passengers are being patted down with TSA officers of the same-sex!!! You failed to say that, rare exception do happen.

Here I will give you something for your next selfie James.

A Cornell University study found that the TSA pat downs caused more car accidents. Why? Because those who decided to drive instead of flying -- because of the nasty feeling they can't seem to get over in the pat downs, left them no other choice but to drive, and so...the number of deaths by car accident increased in a year.

Your buzz words and phrases like: Sexual assault, molestation, blood boil, " [In fact] sic, you’re strange if watching strangers getting molested doesn’t make your blood boil.", evil... is your creepy and despicable way of outing what goes on in your head.

You make money by proselytizing fear and disgust and that creepy imagination of yours about something of a humane and just way of dealing with those nasty bastards who would subvert and bring down the right, and freedom to fly anywhere we wish.

Sometimes to keep those freedoms we might have to just suck it up, and fight a little bit ourselves.

One of your commentors got so ridiculously hysterical.. she said "I won't fly again, I am so upset, I was sexually assaulted."

How many people you think the TSA people have to pat down in a day? You think its fun after the 1000th person...get a brain Corbett. You're a Pinko you know!


We should be worried about the freedoms that are being given up for "anti-terror" measures. We are giving in to terrorism by allowing it to shape how we are as a society

Lets be bruitaly honest.If there is a determined group of motivated individual intent on causing harm then there is not much we can do about it. There is no way to predict were the next "terror" threat may come from. It is folly to think that we could prevent it from happening by restricting the movements of the same people the threat is being directed towards.
The whole reason the TSA exists atall is because of an unpredictable event. Putting measures in place to prevent something from happening again after it has happend is not a great strategy and that strategy is clearly having a detrimental effect on the people it is supposed to be protecting

I was around when Britain was facing real terror threats from the IRA and it was absolutely understood then, that if we allow the threat of terror to affect our way of life then the terrorists have won. That is no less true today.

Terrorism is ultimately designed to effect the minds of the people it is targeted towards. It would appear the American government have no problem furthering that agenda

But having said all that and after reading your post. I suspect my friend that you are a lost cause

come on ! you work for the TSA don't you?

which is fine , we'v all got to make a living right?

But we also have to take individual responsibility for our own behaviour. So if you are guilty of touching people up on a regular bases then... maybe you need to find another job

Oh my goodness. I have read many comments here on Steemit but none that spewed the amount of hatred yours did. I personally do not fly anymore because having someone run their hands all over my body is something I find extremely unacceptable.

I think James must have hit a nerve with you.... I feel compelled to ask do you work for the TSA?