What's so good about DTube is that it's built on top of Steemit, so there's already a community, a comments section and so on.
A project that is possibly even more promising is LBRY.
It still has a long way to go though.
First of all, it's an entirely new protocol, so you'll have to install their app to use it. If I'm not mistaken the protocol can be implemented to regular browsers though, it's just a matter of the browsers supporting it.
Another issue as of right now is that there's no comments section yet, so it feels a bit dead. This will come later on though, the developers are focusing on fixing bugs and making it stable first.
You can choose to upload videos (and other types of content like mp3, pdf etc.) for free, or charge for it. The content is stored by the people who consume it... if they choose to. If they choose to they're compensated in LBRY Credits which can be traded for other cryptos, or be spent to consume paid content.
That's how it's supposed to work down the line at least. The developers are also really friendly and responsive on discord.
One thing is certain, YouTube is not the future 😉