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RE: THE UNMASKING, Part 3: The Projections - The Series That Got Me Banned From YouTube

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Go for it!
I'll just get one more video re-uploaded and then I'll focus on part 5.

I'm not sure how long it'll take. It depends on how broad I'll make it I guess. I can either just systematically debunk all the lies and tell Hannah's and the other girls story and be done with it.

Or I can put it in a broader perspective going more into rape culture which is a pretty significant issue in our society. Shockingly, as I've experienced first hand, and as you've probably seen for yourself if you've followed the unmasking, it's a huge problem within veganism too.

Only You Can Stop Men who Hurt Women from also Harming Animals

I haven’t always been told the names of the men, but those I know I have never forgotten. Some seem to be one-time offenders, but others — including several very prominent men in the movement — are serial perpetrators who get away with it again and again either because they use threats of lawsuits or of physical violence to gain the silence of survivors or because their victims have been convinced (or have convinced themselves) to stay silent “for the animals” or for any of the other reasons women choose not to subject themselves to public scrutiny of what might have been one of the most humiliating experiences of their lives.

These violations hurt nonhuman animals not only by weakening organizations and driving talented activists out of the movement but also by elevating the ideas and tactics of men whose own behavior demonstrates callous disregard for suffering and lack of respect for female animals.

How Should We Respond To Sexual Harassment And Sexual Exploitation In The Animal Rights Movement?

But it’s not just organizations where this kind of behavior has been tolerated (and covered up). Grassroots activists are at risk, too, especially new activists who are so excited to be making a difference. They presume that the men they are meeting in the movement—especially because there are fewer men than women—are trustworthy and caring. The same gender hierarchy that functions outside the animal rights movement functions within the animal rights movement. Thus new activists, especially young women, find that, having trusted, they were placed in a position in which they were at risk for their own safety. This creates what I’m calling a “vulnerability of inequality.”

The problem with calling sexual exploiters “predators”

Why do we pathologize the behavior of animals doing what they’re doing by using their actions as the word for sexual exploiters? These are deliberate decisions on the part of men, and because they are not held accountable, they continue to behave in abusive ways. They are not at all like carnivores.

Sexual Harassment in the Animal Rights Movement

If you’re a man (or you identify as a man) in the animal rights movement, and you truly respect women and value them as colleagues, please:

Be a strong ally.
Believe them when they tell you they’ve been harassed or assaulted.
Ask what you can do to support them.
Do not tolerate sexist jokes or campaigns.
Respect women’s boundaries.
Do not normalize the behavior of abusers by making excuses for them or giving them a platform.


No rush. If you're going to make it, might as well make it great.
Make it the 'magnum opus' conclusion the series deserves. A fitting eulogy to the social media relevance of veganism's biggest arsehole, and the toxic subculture he cultivated.
Nope, no need to rush it.

'The ox is slow but the earth is patient'


What's interesting is that it seems like the longer this drags on, the more evidence I manage to gather to back up everything in part 5 😉