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RE: Is There a Difference Between "the Left" and "the Right"?

in #dtube5 years ago

Eloquently put. I had a conmment to add, but you pretty much covered it all and rendered it moot. I wonder what would actually happen if everyone just withdrew their support of authority. I don't think it's in our nature, though. We always feel we have to act, to do something and this is what gets people petitioning their government to enforce things.


Thanks; it's definitely a topic I've thought about many many times haha. Especially staying an extended time in a place like Portland, where most of the people are super bought into the left vs right BS.

I don't think that the support of authority is really inherent to humans, just something that has a good handful of generations (killing off those that didn't go along), as well as insanely well-planned indoctrination of children over the last century and a half. Pretty sure most anywhere in the world, at most any time before that, people dealt with things as individuals/communities and didn't depend on the state nearly so much, if at all.

The whole petitioning government thing is pretty new too, all part of shifting to "democracy," where the slaves feel like they have a say, so they not only defend the system but actively push for its growth. Even people in the military under the old kings were generally only there because of necessity (only way to get money, family would be killed otherwise, etc).

Yep, totally. Me giving free up-votes to hundreds of people for the last 3 years, without ever asking or requiring anything of them, makes me Hitler. #logic

pssst....just don't post any video's of potential health risk of being may catch Kenny's ire and he'll feel compelled to go over your postings and activities with a fine tooth comb.

You clearly are just jumping on a band-wagon here. If you took the time to do even a cursory glance at the history of TSU's voting and members, you'd see that there are many members who are not vegan, lots of content that has questioned veganism, and one member (who unfortunately lost her account last year when police took her PC) who was on a 100% carnivore diet.

Just because Tony claims that his no longer receiving $5 per post from my project had to do with his diet, doesn't make it so.

Also, you'll notice that I took nothing away from Tony, I didn't stop him from doing anything, I am in no way censoring his content (I re-steemed his post about me so people could see the claims and the conversation below). All that I did was stop supporting his content, as every single person on STEEM is allowed to do at any time.

You're free to vote on whatever you want, whenever you want, and change those decisions as many times as you want. Tony is confusing freedom with entitlement.

In any society that's just the plain facts. There is no such thing as true freedom, there is always authority, don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise, it's all a bunch of malarkey.