I don't understand the new rules of steem. But it certainly doesn't help when struggling artists use what they have to market what they have and people just push them down for political correctness. I wish the bullshit would just go away. I'm on the edge about steem and I'll likely stop using it altogether soon. You really think your input is helping the platform?
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I am not the battle against the major corporation. I am an artist that has put together a project. I am not rich and the steem I have accumulated on here has been done so from scratch without buying steem.
What are the new rules of steem? Can you tell me so I can avoid more hipster down votes in the future?
Oh, and thank you for your insightful comment. Maybe next time you'll listen to the music and give some encouragement to this wonderful project based on improvisation and free form.
Have you heard about the difference between morality and ethics?
Try to get curation by being an active member of the social platform and work for it like many others have and it won't cost you anything and you won't be giving your steem to bid bot owners and their delegators.
Trending is not worth it that much, often times receiving a lot of resteems from people with a lot of followers can be just as good. So connect with others and build up your account.
I see your point but I do that in real life. I have some followers, every platform has its querky rules and ways of doing things.
I'm not into investing time in socialising and connecting online so much. This is just a way for me to share that's different from Facebook.
I'm not sure you see the stupidity in downvoting me. Go downvote Donald Trump. Not me.
It's not a crime to use a bid bot.
Also the steem I did get I got from earning post curations in past post. I did it from the ground up.
If I can't use that steam for promotion, besides steem power, what good is that steem for me. I may as well take it out and convert it to bitcoin or something.
You're not ever winning by downvoting someone like me. You've taken a principle past it's jurisdiction.
"Trending is not worth it that much, often times receiving a lot of resteems from people with a lot of followers can be just as good. So connect with others and build up your account."
Those resteem services? You trust them? You think they're more honest than bid bots?
I get it, you're trying to do the right thing. But it is misguided. I'm an artist with his face in the dirt. I live on the street, I travel, I see the world.
You've taken it upon yourself to downvote me out of your own naive righteousness believing that your method is god.
You've got to be kidding. Use your brain.
Do any of you have any idea how hard it is to get music noticed online? Considering how many upstarts are making music and putting it online nowadays. You use every available to resource to do what you can.
And if you the chumscrubber is noticed to be using a disapproved method by a minority group, you become marginalized and then ostracized. What a joke.
Go take down the man, not me.
I'm bringing people together from around the world for a better purpose because we have unity in expression and YOU DOWNVOTE ME BECAUSE I USED A BID BOT!
Calm down crazy
I have a valid point. Go downvote a whale that is abusing, not minnows that create good content and want more exposure.
Advertisement/promotion is supposed to cost. Downvoting brings back rewards to the rewardpool that go to the rest of authors. Abuse of all forms should be downvoted, just because you're a minnow doesn't make it any less of abuse.
And you think breaking proof of brain is helping the platform because?
What is 'proof of brain'?
I'm not sure what you're refering to.
At the level that I am at, it does not matter that I used a bid bot. Get over your own self righteousness. I am not a popular channel that has 'made it' by 'lieing to everybody'.
If I was a popular famous person using machine generated traffic (which is how it happens on most other content) to create the perception of popularity, yes, go ahead downvote those people out of principle.
You must see that ethically to downvote me is wrong, but morally you have a high standing.
Shall I give you a placard with your name on it for a reward? Give you some satisfaction for pushing someone already in the dirt, further in to the mud?
What an achievement... wow, you guys are revolutionizing this platform. Well done!