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RE: I'm Boycotting Dtube... And Here's Why

in #dtube7 years ago

I kind of suspected you were leaning in this direction.

While I don't know if the first change you propose is going to happen, I don't think it's too much to ask for the second change.

Have you tried asking @heimindanger directly about these proposed changes? I know that he answers a lot of users' questions on DTube's Discord account. It can't hurt to ask, right?

If we are going to hold DTube's feet to the fire, I don't think other Apps like Steepshot should be off the hook. It should still be apparent to everyone that they take 15% because that is one I didn't know about. Just because it's 10% less than DTube, that is no reason to not disclose that in an obvious place.


Hey @movievigilant, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, there wasn't much of a response though. He wouldn't even comment on my question about adding a notice to the platform.

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Hey @movievigilante, thanks for the suggestion. I may try to reach out to him directly and see what he proposes. I know that for me personally, I'm not willing to give up 25% of my rewards. If I had a bigger channel that brought in hundreds per video, that might be a different story. But even then, it wouldn't make much sense seeing as I can post on YouTube for free and the majority of my followers here see my content on Steemit anyways. So I don't know.

And I agree completely. I'm hoping that this will bring awareness to all of the various platforms who are using the rewards beneficiary feature and are not being transparent about it. This will likely be the last post that I make about this for a while but I plan to continue this campaign behind the scenes until change has been made.

Thanks for the update. Maybe if more than one person asks him that question, he will answer it. I will try asking him and see if I have better luck.

Speaking of better luck, I posed the same question to the Steepshot developers on their latest update post and they did answer me.


That’s awesome!!! Glad to see them taking responsibility.