I'm a 18y old guy from Belgium (Bruxelles) speaking mostly French but I can deal with English
It's my first Vlog ever so if I can get some feedback it's nice :3
About the black lines on the side at some moment, I forgot I had to film horizontally I'm stupid, I won't forget next time :d
I'll try to post as often as I can, the goal is to travel around Europe in the end 8)
▶️ DTube
Hey welcome to steemit. Nice city, Bruxelles and you found the right social media platform to interact. Happy year 2018.
Ty ! And sure, Bruxelles is a nice city. Happy year to you too :d
Bienvenu sur steemit !t'a video est super (et les lignes ne derange pas ^^) bonne chance !
Merci :d Je sais pas pour les lignes, même si ca dérange pas à priori c'est mieux si elles n'y sont pas :3
Mdr ca c'est vrais ;)
My advice..is to listen to your sister, maybe not always, but with steemit yes. Yes, it's insanity not to if you want financial freedom.
Yeah, I didn't at the beginning but since I want to travel I'll probably listen to her more often seen that she has more experience with that.
Haha do that. Enjoy your travels!
🤣🤣🤣🤣 @roxane are you just gonna upvote my comment and not comment on it?
:-D You cannot imagine how happy I am @immarojas ... that my little brother is finally joining us with his vlogs :-)
Your bribe worked lols...
He's very young..he's in now so let's see what he will be up to.
Crypto will be a bomb this year they say..cheers mon amie!
Enjoy your trip and keep us posted! I'm definitely going to check back in on your blog!
AnjaHey @mrbrence, welcome! I can't watch right now, but I just wanted to say Hi to @roxane's brother :)
Ty :p I'm not traveling yet, but I'll sure enjoy it xD At the moment I'm just posting to find my place so people get to know me ^^
It's a really cool video ! I really appreciated to be one day in your life :-)
I see that you always goes to Nature et Decouverte to use their massage chair :D Love it ;-)
And you know, it's not really a problem to film horizontaly... :) Can't wait to see the next one :-)
hi im 22 yo from morocco i hope u guys give ne some help by following me ill follow you back
Un petit conseil serrait que tu mettes la music moin forte quand tu parle pour qu'on t'entende mieux. Et sinon bienvenu ici, tu dois savoir que ta soeur est bien connu ici dans le millieux fr.
Merci pour le conseil, j'ai essayé de faire de mon mieux, je pensais que ca passait :')
You will have a great time traveling and you might even get some suggestions and meet people because of steemit. Have fun.
I hope so! And I hope to meet people too, that could be nice during my trip :p
Keep vlogging, you wont regret it. Best of luck to you!
Ahhhhhhh bah voilààà !! Tellement mieux que des mèmes !! J'ai fait l'effort de regarder jusqu'au bout mais je suis une anglophobe de folie ! Je pige nada (j'exagère) mais je ne peux que t'encourager sur cette voie ! Là on a envie de commenter et d'en savoir plus sur toi.
J'espère que tu nous enverras quelques vidéos en FR quand même histoire de ne pas nous laisser sur notre faim ;-) !
Bonne continuation et à très bientôt !
Je suis pas sur de continuer à vloguer, je vais peut etre faire d'autres choses comme de la musique et si je fais des articles je ferai peut etre moi aussi l'effort de les poster en 2 langues :p
Merci en tout cas :d