Vlogging in public isn't the easiest thing but I am getting used to it and it feels a lot easier now after 3 months!!!!
Welcome back to another vlog by your boy @mrviquez I hope you are all having a great day!!!!! As for me I am having another blessed spectacular day!!!!! As I always say another day alive is another win under my belt. With the price boom in Bitcoin the future looks extremely bright. Never have I felt so excited to be alive. We a literally witnessing history being made in front of our very eyes.
In today's vlog I attempt to give my version of a dTube tutorial created by the masterful @heimindanger In my eyes he is a genius and very valuable to the Steem Blockchain. I am excited to see how dTube ends up in the end. If any of you think there is something that you would like to see worked on try to message him on Steemit chat under his same Steemit username. He isn't the arrogant type so he will try to respond to as many people as possible. We must understand that he is probably being bombarded with messages from many people.
I just discovered a tool that lets me record my screen (I know I'm late to that party) so I will be uploading a much more in depth tutorial in the future. But I think that people will learn a lot from this video. If you have any questions on how to use this wonderful app please feel free to leave a comment below.
I attempted to upload this through dTube but my computer is on it's way out and kept crashing when I was on the site. I guess his site is that powerful...lol...probably just my laptop screaming to me that it needs to be replaced.
I was the second to upvote and I did a ful power 10 cent upvote 9Im at 30 % voting power)
But i am the first to comment NICE
WOAH I had no idea Dtube was up and running already!
I have question about this, what if someone uploads ciopyrighetd movies and stuff?
can i just upload an episode of rick and morty on there?
What if someone uploads a snuff film thats illegal to this/ Can it be manually removed? I have a lot of questions about what will happen when people try to order a decebtralized website to delete content which would be impossible unless the entire blockhain as shut down and peopel wil fight to keep steemit open and i mean all it takes is like 21 rasberry pis to run the steem blockchain! Noone can stop it!
Hell yeah man D tube is sick!
I was excited for iut but i assumed it was not out uyet!
where do the videos get uploaded to??? whpo pays for that hosting??? is it all on the steem blockchain!?!?! I know a user witha certain amount iof steempower can upload like 32 MB a day to steem blocchain and videos are like 100 mb max for view.ly and viewly seemed cool because it had an app
if Dtube had an iOS and android app that let you signup WITHOUT needing a steemit account liek if it had premade steemit qacounts ready to go that just let you pick the name, well that would be great to allo anyone to open teh app and just register a new steemit account....or maybe iut can use THEIR account for steemit and just upload videos using the posting key of one account in a way that ....hmm nevrmind that wouldnt work...hmm i wish there was a way to get people signed up to steemit instantly without using steemconnect which takes some steem to pay for it to be instant
if u have a steemiut account you can make new one manually, if u just pay for or mine the steem, man how do they even mine a Delegated proof of stake crypto curency like steem...they dont use electricity to mine it so its just strange to think about mining like this!
I feel like we need a video to explain Delegated Proof of Stake to people ....maybe explain it like cyber communism LOL fully automated luxury communism,. wel its more like fully automated luxury capitalism!
Anyway im going of topic, this Dtube is HUGE
D tube is gonna catch on, people will HATE the idea of youtube controlling everything and for IDEOLOGICAL reasons big time youtubers like Paul Joseph Watson will join Dtube and Steemit now that @keiserreport is already on here and @laurensouthern its only a matter of time before Alex jons himself joins steem in a massive protest against social media censorship! Alex jones will THEN tell ALl of his audience members to JOIN steemit and have Dan or someone on to promote steemit to Infowars JUST for the fre speech aspect!
IMAGINE if alex jones mentioned steemit on hi show! he has millions of listener! we could get his lisstners to all join steemit and then BUY steem to e could get the pricve up to $5 JUST frm ghetting alex jons to promopte steemit on his sho as the CENSORSHIP proof 1st Amendemnt social media website!
Hahaha wow i just read your comment...i think i remember you from Steemspeak....i can tell you still have that energy!!! Im not sure about the snuff films though
hhah dont get too distracted by the idea of teh snuff films LOL i knew it would freaj people oputmentuioning it,m but yah just remmber we will have to wach out for that stuff! Its ok bcause if peopel post them theyll be tracked and tracd, but yah the future of stemit is safe, people will see the tranparency will prevent a LOT of scams that would otherwise happen with Bitcoin, imean i just hard about these scams where people get a Job offer and are told to pay some fee at a Bitcoin ATm or poeople being told to pay for a car using a Bitcoin ATm and i relaized, a Bitcoin ATm si a scamers dream come true, They can allo someone to put cash in a machine, and send Bitcoin to anywhereon the planet and there is NO WAY to get the money back, and im SURE people have triud calling up the Bitcoin ATM machine and caling the fucking plice trying to get their money back neer admitting their dumbass mistake hahah
Its going to bring A LOT of new problems when we have $100,000 Bitcoin and $10 steem! Peopl will start demanding steemitusers pay them iof ANY image or text opr link i used in a storym people never cared about reddit users using other people's content but when stemit does it, peopole se the money, and theyll sart DEMANDINg we pay them! I can just see people getting SO jelous , I mean if we think the jealousy of some Minnows is bad, just wait untill we see the users of redit getting pissed when they realize steemit is making money when they never get paid a dime!
Anyway I really enjoyed that video of you getting cash at the drive through ATm and telling the kid next to you like 'You know how ur mom says this isn't real money? Does that look real to you??" That was awesome, u could put that into a documentaryu, it was so real, you will son be hosting a massiv crypto cutrrency youtube channel IRF you take up th chllenge man!
You should just go over AL the days crypto newsand EXPLAIn howpeople can use crypto to sart businsses and how they can use social media + crypto to REALLY make money
we should all be on instagram AND using Snapchatto gain followers to promote steemit man....we could all start raisng money on steemit poststo pay for steemit ads on youtube!
Dude I love breaking bills. Pre 64 quarters and dimes are 90% silver and I just put the clad change in a jar and count it every year in the beginning of january and start all over again. I had like $3000 last year in just change from my pockets. its like paying yourself.
hell yeah i would go to bank and get $500 half dollar kennedy boxes, and eevery box had at last a couple 40% cladsor 90 percebt silver half dollars, one time i found 6 benjamin franoins 3 waking liberty halfs and like 10 40% kennesides in teh same box! like $100 off one box, it was great 9silvr was higher)
anyway whats ur secret for finding silver change? cuz when i got quarters and dims from thebank i never found any silvr ones, only in the half dollar boxes do u find siolver, i would make like $100 a day finding those silver coins sometims, only 3 days a wek cuz thebanks couldmt keep up with me
Damn that is a good hustle if you got the time or just want to do it as a hobby. Its here and there honestly also coin stars spit out old silver coins alot. Its just something to look for when buying stuff with monopoly money or just ask cashiers if they have any old looking coins Ive even just went into the bank and told the teller before. "Hey I'm a coin collector do you have any old coins pre 64. lol Sometimes they seriously will sit there and look for you. lol its awesome most people do not know about free silver in circulation. Silver certificate bills hold onto too they are worth more then face if in really good condition a coin shop will buy them off of you for a few hundred dollars or more.
edit: of course when you go into the bank ask to buy the coins off of them.
Wow! Awesome video sir ...Following you for more.
Please visit my profile hope you like my photography and please don't forget to follow and upvote me if you like..@saan 💐💐
I was the second to upvote and I did a ful power 10 cent upvote 9Im at 30 % voting power)
But i am the first to comment NICE
WOAH I had no idea Dtube was up and running already!
I have question about this, what if someone uploads ciopyrighetd movies and stuff?
can i just upload an episode of rick and morty on there?
What if someone uploads a snuff film thats illegal to this/ Can it be manually removed? I have a lot of questions about what will happen when people try to order a decebtralized website to delete content which would be impossible unless the entire blockhain as shut down and peopel wil fight to keep steemit open and i mean all it takes is like 21 rasberry pis to run the steem blockchain! Noone can stop it!
Hell yeah man D tube is sick!
I was excited for iut but i assumed it was not out uyet!
where do the videos get uploaded to??? whpo pays for that hosting??? is it all on the steem blockchain!?!?! I know a user witha certain amount iof steempower can upload like 32 MB a day to steem blocchain and videos are like 100 mb max for view.ly and viewly seemed cool because it had an app
if Dtube had an iOS and android app that let you signup WITHOUT needing a steemit account liek if it had premade steemit qacounts ready to go that just let you pick the name, well that would be great to allo anyone to open teh app and just register a new steemit account....or maybe iut can use THEIR account for steemit and just upload videos using the posting key of one account in a way that ....hmm nevrmind that wouldnt work...hmm i wish there was a way to get people signed up to steemit instantly without using steemconnect which takes some steem to pay for it to be instant
if u have a steemiut account you can make new one manually, if u just pay for or mine the steem, man how do they even mine a Delegated proof of stake crypto curency like steem...they dont use electricity to mine it so its just strange to think about mining like this!
I feel like we need a video to explain Delegated Proof of Stake to people ....maybe explain it like cyber communism LOL fully automated luxury communism,. wel its more like fully automated luxury capitalism!
Anyway im going of topic, this Dtube is HUGE
D tube is gonna catch on, people will HATE the idea of youtube controlling everything and for IDEOLOGICAL reasons big time youtubers like Paul Joseph Watson will join Dtube and Steemit now that @keiserreport is already on here and @laurensouthern its only a matter of time before Alex jons himself joins steem in a massive protest against social media censorship! Alex jones will THEN tell ALl of his audience members to JOIN steemit and have Dan or someone on to promote steemit to Infowars JUST for the fre speech aspect!
IMAGINE if alex jones mentioned steemit on hi show! he has millions of listener! we could get his lisstners to all join steemit and then BUY steem to e could get the pricve up to $5 JUST frm ghetting alex jons to promopte steemit on his sho as the CENSORSHIP proof 1st Amendemnt social media website!
Hahaha wow i just read your comment...i think i remember you from Steemspeak....i can tell you still have that energy!!! Im not sure about the snuff films though
hhah dont get too distracted by the idea of teh snuff films LOL i knew it would freaj people oputmentuioning it,m but yah just remmber we will have to wach out for that stuff! Its ok bcause if peopel post them theyll be tracked and tracd, but yah the future of stemit is safe, people will see the tranparency will prevent a LOT of scams that would otherwise happen with Bitcoin, imean i just hard about these scams where people get a Job offer and are told to pay some fee at a Bitcoin ATm or poeople being told to pay for a car using a Bitcoin ATm and i relaized, a Bitcoin ATm si a scamers dream come true, They can allo someone to put cash in a machine, and send Bitcoin to anywhereon the planet and there is NO WAY to get the money back, and im SURE people have triud calling up the Bitcoin ATM machine and caling the fucking plice trying to get their money back neer admitting their dumbass mistake hahah
Its going to bring A LOT of new problems when we have $100,000 Bitcoin and $10 steem! Peopl will start demanding steemitusers pay them iof ANY image or text opr link i used in a storym people never cared about reddit users using other people's content but when stemit does it, peopole se the money, and theyll sart DEMANDINg we pay them! I can just see people getting SO jelous , I mean if we think the jealousy of some Minnows is bad, just wait untill we see the users of redit getting pissed when they realize steemit is making money when they never get paid a dime!
Anyway I really enjoyed that video of you getting cash at the drive through ATm and telling the kid next to you like 'You know how ur mom says this isn't real money? Does that look real to you??" That was awesome, u could put that into a documentaryu, it was so real, you will son be hosting a massiv crypto cutrrency youtube channel IRF you take up th chllenge man!
You should just go over AL the days crypto newsand EXPLAIn howpeople can use crypto to sart businsses and how they can use social media + crypto to REALLY make money
we should all be on instagram AND using Snapchatto gain followers to promote steemit man....we could all start raisng money on steemit poststo pay for steemit ads on youtube!
Dude I love breaking bills. Pre 64 quarters and dimes are 90% silver and I just put the clad change in a jar and count it every year in the beginning of january and start all over again. I had like $3000 last year in just change from my pockets. its like paying yourself.
hell yeah i would go to bank and get $500 half dollar kennedy boxes, and eevery box had at last a couple 40% cladsor 90 percebt silver half dollars, one time i found 6 benjamin franoins 3 waking liberty halfs and like 10 40% kennesides in teh same box! like $100 off one box, it was great 9silvr was higher)
anyway whats ur secret for finding silver change? cuz when i got quarters and dims from thebank i never found any silvr ones, only in the half dollar boxes do u find siolver, i would make like $100 a day finding those silver coins sometims, only 3 days a wek cuz thebanks couldmt keep up with me
Damn that is a good hustle if you got the time or just want to do it as a hobby. Its here and there honestly also coin stars spit out old silver coins alot. Its just something to look for when buying stuff with monopoly money or just ask cashiers if they have any old looking coins Ive even just went into the bank and told the teller before. "Hey I'm a coin collector do you have any old coins pre 64. lol Sometimes they seriously will sit there and look for you. lol its awesome most people do not know about free silver in circulation. Silver certificate bills hold onto too they are worth more then face if in really good condition a coin shop will buy them off of you for a few hundred dollars or more.
edit: of course when you go into the bank ask to buy the coins off of them.
Yeah when i was doing 4 or 6 boxes a day i would drop the coins off at a DUmp bank downtown and i would bring the bank works coffee and donuts
lol damn ballin
Thanks for the love, using my song in your video (although you're on it too) is a blessings. 💪🏼 Bro
Awesome vlog again sir! Also love the intro and your music, gotta check your vlog to the end :) Thanks for sharing #keepsteemin
anytime homie my vlogs are always long so watch it til the end to get the most out of it
hi iresteem this post
Wow! Awesome video sir ...Following you for more.
Please visit my profile hope you like my photography and please don't forget to follow and upvote me if you like..@saan 💐💐
Awesome, love the vlog!
Keep it up man your doin great!
Thank you for the tutorial and that music with @youngogmarqs is LIT!!! :)
What a kickass post homie. Love your work!
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