Don't overdo it and go out sometimes! Take a deep breath of the fresh air and RELAX!! I really have to work on that because I'm a guy who goes all in and so I don't really like to take breaks.
Belle Mt - Hollow (acoustic)
Winny out...peace!
▶️ DTube
Fabulous to see you get out and relax bro. You are a hard charger into everything you do, so always take a minute and never forget to stop and smell the roses.
Thank you brother! :) appreciate your kind words and its true. You definitely have to relax sometimes or else you are just overloaded.
Winny out...for now ;)
that intro is relaxing :D. btw whats the song? its good
Thank you brother :) hmm...I would have to look :D
What your name in discord? Then I can send it to you :)
Winny out...for now ;)
BINIR#5811 :D ty brother!
Great video dude! Very relaxing and calm. Seems like you also enjoyed your break. It‘s funny how we sometimes have very similar ideas. When I saw your video about Gina I had the same thing in my mind but then I looked for another topic because we don‘t need two similar videos. I also took a break today and enjoyed a beautiful city. Vlog‘s uploading right at this moment :)
Thank you for the compliment brother! Yeah, we definitely always need to take a break :)
Haha, well, I guess we are brothers from different mothers lol
Looking forward to your vlog mate!
Winny out...for now ;)
I would go outside more if it was that beautiful lol But I do try and meditate 5 times a week and relax that way :P
That's nice to hear that you meditate!! I also meditate every morning for 20 minutes :) it's an awesome way to start throughout your day.
What kind of meditation do you do?
Winny out...for now ;)
It's called extreme forgiveness, it's very effective :P
Oh wow. How do you go about it?
it's a long process, there's a good video about it: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NxdrtHuFSk
That's an amazing view with those mountains. Are those the same mountains in @modernpastor videos?
I've never seen modern pastor videos so I can't tell right now :D
Winny out...for now ;)
Taking a break is good for the mind, body, and soul. Can't be all about work ALL THE DARN TIME!
Work is no good if you're burnt out and can't think straight.
That is the online lifestyle. You "cant have a life" and you work 24 hours a day... but at least you do what you love. I am so upset that i was called to go to work on the other day.... grrrrr... tomorrow need to get up to date with all the news ehehehhe... now i need to keep scroll and aee what i have missed in here eheheheh
But obviously i am joking. Relaxing is the best. Glad you are enjoying.
Thank you brother! To be honest, I'm just addicted to making more and more and more videos every single day. I don't know it's a curse or a blessing? :D
Winny out...for now ;)
I hope it is a blessing.... eheheh I am the same but with photography... lol i love to record videos and it is fun... but i want to be uploading pictures all the time and share them with you... i always need to control myself eheheheh
Hello Winny, beautiful place. True, we should be more outside. If i look at myself, mmmh not really that much time that i am outside. Its almost because of my job is taking so much time from my day. I need to working on that, trying to manage myself in a new, better way. Today is my day off, so we going to the beach now with our children, i think thats a good start. Your Dad is fun ;-) congrats on the 2 years of marriage. We wish you a nice Sunday Winny. Greetings from Phuket
Wow! It’s beautiful there, man. Such a calming video :) Thank you.
And thank you for watching :)
Winny out...for now ;)
I just remembered your story with your dad and the gas which you told us at the bar hahah soo crazy 😂
That was crazy indeed! Hahah
Winny out...for now ;)
This was just a bit bloody nice! Your dad is so cute. 😊 I'm glad you were able to get outside and experience the nature. I find myself getting caught up inside way to often so I have to remind myself about having some balance.
Yeah, so true! I also have to remind myself to get out and take a break because I'm so very addicted to making videos lol
Winny out...for now ;)
Dtubedaily addiction - it's a really thing we might need to start a support group.
What up, Winny! It always good to go outside, especially in nature.
Yeah brother! Nature is truly the best!!
Winny out...for now ;)
Winny I love how you can just get in a zone. I feel like my parents would totally influence my blogs more but you just do you regardless. And I love your folks btw. I don't know what your pops was doing but it looked exciting.
My father is just a crazy guy lol i mean just look at me...i guess I got part of him and the rest...I was born with it haha
Winny out...for now ;)
Brother, again man, don't self promote. Just be yourself and connect with people and eventually they will want to check you out. Everyone wants to be heard and seen. Everyone wants to be important, but remember that people will ask themselves "why". Why should they check you out? What gives them the incentive to? Think about it brother.
I'm not here to say anything against you man, but I want to help and if you do these kind of posts on every video, people will be annoyed. So, again, share your unique thoughts with people and show them that you care and you will pull them towards you :)
Winny out...for now ;)
Your reputation level is decreasing, rapidly. Never make a comment like this again, posting a selfie on someones blog is NOT okay.