First of all, I hope you get well again mate!!
Second, I really like your poem man! It's fascinating how many artists we have and what we are all capable of doing. I would have never thought that you would write poems, but then BOOM!! Unhidden talents of yours got revealed and it just amazes me brother :) Keep at it ma man!
Winny out...for now ;)
Thanks Ms Winny means a lot. Yeah I have many hidden talents that only rarely come out to shine haha. We do have such a talented community and I love it
Oh shoot!! I've become a girl? Hahahaha first the alien and now a woman?? What does this mean man? LOL HAHAHAHAHAHA
Keep at it ma man!!
Winny out...for now ;)
Damn phone typing is bad hahahha I keep insulting you by accident ;) hahaha