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RE: Cruising through Rotterdam

in #dtube7 years ago

I see them having a control on expensive cars nearby sometimes. To check them out.. whenever I go to a shop at night in the streets I see guys with loads of cash money and expensive cars. It's ridicilous how retarded they are showing off their money. Like Duhh, you are selling drugs for sure.

So they try to catch these guys. Based on the cars they can catch these drug dealers. Mostly conviscate their car and give them jail time or something I don't know.

But profiling on jackets is a whole new thing its super weird. I don't think they can take the clothing only if they have alot of depth to the government they are allowed to.

In my opinion its super weird tho.. Cars okay.. but watches and jackets.. wtf! hahaha
It's a weird country I guess..


I guess they should just buy some monero and keep their mouths shut.

I feel like this is just a way to expand the polices power and to crack down and harass poor people as usual.

A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.