Wow! That was some outstanding feedback! Thank you for being upfront. I think these are fantastic ideas! I will take everything you’ve mentioned and apply it in my future posts! I appreciate this so much. Cheers!
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Yay glad you took that in the spirit I intended it :) I hope the laundry list of constructive criticism didn't obscure the fact that I did really like this post. It is super cool to see a drawing come to life. BTW what program are you using for the screen capture here? I keep meaning to look into this, I would love to do a similar video of some of my PhotoShop art coming to life but I never seem to get around to figuring out how.
Definitely! I appreciate it. I'm working on getting the post edited now with what I can. As for the screen capture, my iPad 12.9 came with a built in function. I'm sure there are others you can download as well that will be just as capable (if not more) than what I'm using. I'd love to see some of your photoshop work! I've followed you so be sure to share here on Steemit when you start making your videos.
This is what I am working on today - usually I do pen and ink art and sometimes color in PhotoShop, but today I am working on our xmas card. This is 100% photoshop job - we were all photographed separately and I am combining us all into this improbable ski pyramid (and I was not actually wearing boots/skis) :) Still very much a work in progress, but I am already very pleased with how much it looks like my wife is really holding our kids (I hoisted them up one at a time on my biceps for the original pics, those are my hands left in the shot and I rearranged my wife's arms to connect to my hands):
That looks awesome! Great job so far! Nice positioning on all of you. Improbable ski pyramid perhaps, but the photo makes it look like cake. Haha! I love the puppers just trailing beside you guys. Maybe add some paw prints behind him too? Also love the colors in your background image. This piece looks fantastic so far. Post me on the final! I'm interested to see what else you do with this. Rock on man!