This is not surprising. Feminists have been liars and bigots even when they were Abolitionists. They hated men (mostly white men) then and they still do today. Nothing has really changed. They supported John Brown and called him a 'martyr' even when he and his associates took unarmed men from their beds and hacked them to death with swords. And these men were not slaveholders. They merely made the 'mistake' of being in support of slavery for Kansas. At that time in America free black men and free black women owned slaves. White women owned slaves. Native American men and women (such as the Cherokees in Indian Territory) owned slaves. Would Stanton, Anthony and the other man-hating bigots have supported John Brown or considered him a martyr if he and his sons and their associates had taken white women who actually owned slaves and hacked them to death with swords? Or if they had taken any free black men or free black women and done the same? Or if they had taken Cherokees who owned slaves and hacked them to death? Would those bigots who hated white men have celebrated Brown as a martyr to 'the cause'? I think we all know the answers to those questions. As I look around me I wonder if we haven't actually stepped through some kind of time portal back to Berlin in the 1930s. BE MGTOW OR BE SORRY!
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