To intimate that Oprah is endorsing eugenics is quite irresponsible. That you can take a few seconds out of a long speech and make such assertions speaks to someone who really is trying to do something other than inform people.
Having watched the entire interview, I can state categorically that all she was saying was that many racists will not change and we can only get rid of their racism when they die. That is the point she was making. I would suggest that you do a new post and critically analyze the speech instead of making these inflammatory statements. SHAME.
I am yet to hear Oprah say that she is endorsing these things you mentioned. Let me be frank, I think it would be a tragedy for her to get caught up in the filth of US politics. She has absolutely nothing to gain from it. Plus, she does not need it.
Also, I am not following your logic because you start out with Oprah, then you move into geopolitics and even then you touched on a number of things without being grounded in anything in particular. What are the parallels here between the things you mentioned and Oprah? Maybe that was not your intention, but the headline really set us up for it. If you are going to criticize Oprah, do so, but you sir, are all over the place. And that eugenics statement, which I assume you are tying her to, is bothersome.
All the woman did was give a speech encouraging people. My gosh, is the country so divided that even the best of intentions are turned on their head, and sullied and stained to appease people who are reaching for all the negativity they can scrape? Again, SHAME.