Another snowy day/night in Serbia.
Going back home after Zumba was fun! It was already late and dark and at that time during the winter my neighborhood is dead. There's no cars, no people. That means you can pretty much do whatever you want.
I guess I had some of that energy and hype from Zumba so I made my short walk from a bus station to my home fun fooling around, jumping into the deep snow and watching the sparkles - it looks so beautiful, especially in the night and I hope you can see it in the video.
I wish you all a wonderful day!
▶️ DTube
And it's going to snow again at Friday :))
Seems like winter is just starting for us, haha!
I might go to the library today, get a lot of books and stay inside until spring! :D
Hahaha, don't @nikolina, it's so nice outside, the air is different. Like it's healthier this days..Barem ovde u Zemunu, manje smo na auspusima :)
Au, verujem da se kod vas oseti razlika!
Mada primetim i ja razliku ovde kod mene na selu i u NS-u, u mom komsiluku nema puno kuca, visokog drveca i naravno nema zgrada, sve je otvoreno i ravno, oseti se razlika pogotovo kad veje ili duva vetar. :D
A leti kad izadjem iz busa u NS-u tacno osetim vrelinu betona, haha!
Uf, blago tebi, zivis van grada...U gradu treba da postoje samo prolece i jesen i to je to :)
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!
Thank you so much! I wish you a great day too!
Nice and I love snowy :)
Thanks! It can be fun sometimes! :)