That group will "curate" some of my art from time to time. I'll receive quite a few votes — worth practically nothing. Then I'll get a friendly message they were there.
I don't mind the votes but I think I'll get about 0.1% of what they're capable of. At first I felt special. After awhile it just feels like a ruse. I feel like they're just using my somewhat busy blog space as a place to advertise and appear important. They can do better. And if they did better, they would look better. Visiting me to offer a massive trail of votes worth nothing feels more like a slap in the face. Of course, if they read this, rather than changing their ways, they'll just cut me off completely. As I'm supposed to feel punished or something.
When one of my own self votes is worth more than double of a "curation trail" offering, you know something is wrong.
Anyway, thanks for the mention. I wasn't expecting that. Kudos man.