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RE: Happy Friday STEEMIT!

in #dtube8 years ago

Someone please explain to me how this person accumulated $24 in 27 minutes from asking why people like Fridays? Six exclamation points in 100 words -- is the point of Steemit to be overly excited teenage band camp attendees? Then we all just earn Steem and smile?

I don't mean to be crass, I just really need an education in this community...Please help. Thanks!!!!!!


Put in the work and maybe you can get the good earning too! ;)
I have put in a lot of time interacting with the Steemit community in a positive way
You have under 20 post. Post more. Get attention.
Also, there is a place for everyone on Steemit. Athletes, music, cypto nerds, YOU can find your place too

I know this is two months late @ntbro, but the answer to your question is "bots". As you can see, this page only has 26 views, of which three were mine, yours and the creators. Yet, despite the small numbers of views, he received 50 votes.

All these votes came from bots which are gaming the system by voting on popular blogger to share in the reward pool, without ever reading the article.

At the same time, popular writers have discovered that they can write rubbish articles, and still get paid because of the bot voting.

All these bots are causing the quality of posts to fall.