Mike Adams The Health Ranger- Bombshell Lecture Documents Race-Based Crimes Against Humanity

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The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks… Bombshell Health Ranger lecture documents race-based crimes against humanity

November 06, 2017 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News)
As promised, I’ve now released a one-hour science lecture video that
documents the multiple vectors through which people of African descent
are being targeted for depopulation, covert infertility and
extermination by “science” and “medicine.”

This video lecture documents the pattern of heavy metals poisoning,
medical experimentation, organ harvesting, covert fertility task forces
and other tactics that seek to eliminate blacks from our planet. It
uses, with credit, video footage from the shocking documentary film
Maafa21, available at Maafa21.com.

These genocidal tactics are carried out in the name of science and medicine via the following vectors:

Food supply (laced with infertility chemicals, confirmed by the New York Times quoting a U.S. President’s science advisor)

Water supply (heavy metals poisoning, as we recently witnessed in Flint, Michigan)

Medical experimentation (Tuskegee, Guatemalan prisoner experiments funded by the U.S. government, etc.)

Immunization campaign (covert sterilization of young women in Africa)

Cancer (disproportionately affects people of darker skin color due to vitamin D deficiency)

Abortion activities that target blacks in order to harvest baby organ tissue for use in vaccines — medical cannibalism

See more confirming research articles on these topics:

Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)

New “RNA interference” crop technology WEAPONIZES food into the ultimate eugenics weapon… could target Blacks for covert sterilization

Investigation panel concludes U.S. government conspired with doctors to commit murderous medical experiments in Guatemala

Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans

Think government wants to help you? Revisit the true, horrifying history of the Tuskegee medical experiments on blacks

Guatemalan STD medical experiments were just one crime in a long history of medical-government collusion to use humans as guinea pigs

UN injects tetanus vaccines secretly laced with sterilization drug into Kenyan women

There is a concerted effort to exterminate blacks in the name of “science” and “medicine”

I am the only predominantly Caucasian scientist in the world who
dares to tell the truth about the science agenda to exterminate blacks.
The reason I can do this is because my science laboratory receives no funding from any government or university.

I have zero financial ties to the medical establishment that’s
systematically exterminating blacks, thus they cannot threaten me by
attempting to withhold funds from my scientific research.

The real racism in America is not simply carried out by a small
number of people in white pointy hats. The real, deep racism is carried
out by men in lab coats who are systematically pursuing an agenda to exterminate blacks through food, water, medicine, biological weapons and more.

Watch the full video lecture below and share everywhere. Also check out Maafa21.com (not affiliate with this site, but it’s filled with shocking information on many fronts) which states:

Today, Maafa 21 is exposing the hidden and bitter realities of
Black Genocide in modern America. But the mainstream media – and the
multi-national corporations who control our nation’s film distribution
system – will not help us deliver this message to the people. And the
simple fact is, this holocaust won’t end as long as the public doesn’t
even know it exists.

Stay informed at www.NaturalNews.com

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New Websites Just Launched By Mike Adams!

http://www.Science.news http://www.Food.news http://www.Health.news http://www.Medicine.news

http://www.Depopulation.news http://www.Genocide.news http://www.Eugenics.news


Source: https://www.naturalnews.com/2017-11-06-the-science-agenda-to-exterminate-blacks-bombshell-health-ranger-lecture-race-crimes-against-humanity.html


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