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All types of UV lights/Torches in USA: (Affiliate)
Email for edited videos: [email protected] (only for images and video's based on this episode) UV Torches UK/EU: (Affiliate)
Movie: National Treasure:
Shining a new light on ancient discoveries : Many of us strive to bring you the latest discoveries and many more research older, forgotten reports of alternative historical data. In this episode, I put you in the driver's seat of new discoveries by suggesting a new and simple tool you can use to uncover potential revelations of your own. The work of many researchers is, for the most part, a lonely undertaking and one that sometimes meets with adversarial responses if the conclusions do not abide by the established rules, rather than discoveries. For many years we have all known there is a force at work to suppress many of these findings and wishes to keep the masses in the dark. This episode looks at taking back a small part of our search for truth in a sea of deceit and once again begin to take back our history and what it means to us all.
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All types of UV lights/Torches in USA: (Affiliate) here is the correct link for the UV lights, for some unknown reason won't let me edit the description.