I as a one of the Steemians who came to this platform in 2016. try to give support to this initiative and to contribute best I can.
One of the things I am good at is making videos - so I made one with Steemit Croatia logo on fire.
I already made many videos with different thematic - all related to steemit and I am in process of transferring them from Youtube to - Dtube.Popularity of Steemit in my country Croatia is on fire, many new users joined recently and my fellow countryman @ivan.atman made Croatian Discord Server, this will bring big value to our community, here is his
▶️ DTube
Yes hopefully we will one Day become big enough to say fuck youtube
I can say already :)
Fuck youtube!
wow, odličan je video!
Hvala ti :)
Stari ovo je jebenoo. U čemu radiš to?
U adobe after effectsima, ali još kombiniram i photoshop i adobe premierre
Ahaa. A koliko si dugo u tome i jel teško naučit After effects?
Jako teško!
Jedno 20 godina ;) Radio sam prije na HTV-u a sad radim za sebe u svojoj firmi,
Afteri su dosta komplicirani ali imaš dosta tutorijala na netu pa lagano step-by step
Ahaa. Sviđa mi se ovo što radiš ako trebaš neke soundefekte javi ja ti mogu napravit ;) Ovako nešto kratko mogu napravit ovako cisto da se radi nešto ^^
Da, da razgovarat cemo na discordu u privite :)
Važi ;)
Wow! 😍
Your effort around Steemit is really huge.
...svaka čast stari!
Hvala frende, trudim se😁