The Voice of Women at Steemfest - I Want To Be A Speaker I DTube Daily Vlog 0.42

in #dtube7 years ago

Yes. I want to be a speaker at Steemfest this year and talk from the perspective of someone starting out in the online world and in the Steem world since only a couple of months, I want to talk to the people that have no idea what this is and also encourage more women to get on this platform. So, I am doing a series of videos about this, with all my enthusiasm :) and hopefully I'll get there with your support!

▶️ DTube

Just stubmled upon your Dtube channel and wanna say: go for it Olivia! ill bet youd do an interesting speak!

Hehhe @ivansnz thank you for your support!

Women are generally not early adopters of technology. Just look at the early days of the internet. Once the technology has matured, and as long as it has a social aspect, women should adopt it. I look at the women within my own family and friends vs cryptocurrencies. The men are much more open to the early technology. The women will arrive in their own time.

@halfasheep, it might be that men are more inclined towards technology and gadgets in general, and I feel women might even be afraid of it. Or not so eager to see what's new. So I want to make it public, tell every woman out there that this is a big opportunity and a step forward, so get to spread the word to them about Steemit :)

You can apply as a speaker when Steemfest gets annouced, maybe explain what you wanna talk about and who knows you'll definitely get yourself a slot!

I've only been to Steemfest2 and will want to go to Steemfest 3 too. Now at least i'll have one speaker lineup to look forward to.

Awesome! I didn't even know there was a Steemfest