Only you know what is best for you (motivation)

in #dtube6 years ago

You know, when you have a big decision to make and everyone around you are so smart giving you their advice and opinions.
Well, guess what, you are the only one who really knows what is best for you.

People love to give advice, especially when you don’t ask them for it.

I am guilty of that as well.

But, to tell you the truth, they only know what is best for them.
They try to give you the best advice they have, but still, this advice is based on their life experiences, not yours. They actually know what is best for them, not for you.

OK… Then, how do I find out, what is best for me?

Listen to your intuition. Intuition is your Inner Being telling you what is best for you. Trust it. Your inner Being is the only one, who truly knows, what is best for you.

When I made a decision 11 years ago to leave my nine to five job and travel the world, everyone around me was against it. But, I trusted my Inner Intuition, which was telling me to do it. So I did it. And now I know, it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Not the easiest, but the best.

When I have to make a decision, any decision, I always ask myself, does this decision feel good? And if it does, then I know it is the right one for me.

▶️ DTube

I totally agree with the fact that inside we know what is the best for us. But most decisions makes our mind at first. In most times we rely on our mind, he seems to have the right answer. But as you said the intuition knows our way, we only have to listen and decide with our heart. Thanks for sharing your video! :-)

I agree with you, that our minds are very quick, giving us answers.
It takes practice to calm down the mind, and listen to our heart. :)
By my experience, I always had better results when I have listened to my Inner Being.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in a comment. :)
Have a great day. :)Hello @yogaworld,