Sorry for the massive shout out I’m going to do in the comments, but we need your help on twitter. Share your content, share the content of others, comment on why you love steem.
Use #steem #seven77 tag me @ ProfTAcademy tag @ NathanMars7, share you tweet below and I will upvote it.
You can promote your content and steem at the same time, it only takes a second. It’s a win win Why are we not all doing this more often?
Please resteem - we need your help to raise awareness of steem
Youtube mirrror
▶️ DTube
But I think we have to do more, we definitely need more users.
So what we can do?
I started some months ago the website and blog
to promote steem to wordpress bloggers.
I did this for another project before as well and I noticed, a good way is to comment and like posts of WordPress bloggers, comments to the post with a promo for steem is a very good way to attract new users.
But I have only 2 hands and my time is limited as well.
So maybe we can think for something similar, gathering Steemit users for such a campaign or something similar.
We have now some easy and pretty nice looking apps everyone is quickly able to use them.
Have a great day
TomI support the incredible Twitter campaign of @nathanmars already and it's a good habit for me already to share my posts with the #steem tags every day.
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Brilliant comment @zanoni. One of those worth reading :)
Enjoy your weekend
@anitacarolina, @khaimi, @migueliglesias, @naza3783, @ribbitingscience, @alokkumar121, @anroja, @arnel, @ayushjalan, @babarakas43, @bucipuci, @certain, @coyotelation, @cwow2, @deerjay, @dronegraphica, @enjoycompany, @ericburgoyne, @goodnode, @grintsch, @insight-out, @jimbi, @julianhorack, @lenasveganliving, @marblely, @mistakili, @nelinoeva, @olusolaemmanuel, @pardinus, @psos, @redheadpei, @squishysquid, @src3, @teutonium, @whornung, @wiralhokseumawe, @herbncrypto, @roxy-cat, @ravisarikonda, @audreybits, @wholeself-in, @danielvehe, @grider123, @yagoub
I have tagged you because you can help and we need your help and support today. tweet your post use the tags above, share it below and I will upvote it, we need to raise awareness of steem on twitter and we need you to help. you can do it by simplying pressing the twitter button on the bottom of the post.
Done! ;)
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I have been working on steem promotion since beginning of this year. I am dedicated to #steem and will participate in everything which can help to make it more popular. Thanks for mentioning me @paulag
This is my tweet. I will share my posts on Twitter and tag you.
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and click the twitter button where ?? ?? Sorry, what can you explain, what should I do?hi @paulag I don't understand, post tweets mean ??
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Have a great week Paula! 💕Thanks for the mention @paulag. I don’t have a twitter a/c but will have to look into it. I try to spread the word to people I know. Let me know if I can help in other ways.
I love initiatives like these!
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If anyone else is looking for non paid promotion of your posts, see also / where just about every day I think I see a post from him showing #STEEMLove, here his post just from today
Thanks, my friend. This is slightly different to my daily posts, where I encourage people to drop their steem links into my STEEMlove posts, and then I Tweet about them. This is encouraging people to do the tweeting themselves and drop the link to the tweet here. All good stuff, sharing the love for Steem! :)
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As you dropped the link in my STEEMlove post, I resteemed, upvoted and tweeted it too! :)
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Hey @paulag.... I've been kind of quiet for a bit.... BTW I just wanted to say Thank You for what you do in supporting steem and people like me...
I tried to do one better, shared my content and yours, not that I have a lot of twitter followers, but it's out there.... plus the more links back to steem from outside the better for the SEO...

So here's two tweets for you...
~~~ embed:1123036850648682498 twitter metadata:Q29pbnNBbmRDaGFpbnN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vQ29pbnNBbmRDaGFpbnMvc3RhdHVzLzExMjMwMzY4NTA2NDg2ODI0OTh8 ~~~
Something like this @paulag? Liza cici Dayani (@ciciatjeh) Tweeted: I know why... I love steem and steemit @ProfTAcademy @NathanMars7😉 #steem #seven77
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Hi @paulag, I don't have Twitter but I am spreading the word in person. I am to get people involved, instruct, guide and delegate to them once my SP is up to a respectable level too. Thanks for all your efforts on the chain
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Oh you have curly hair! 😊
Am still thinking what series of videos to make. Chill. Hehe. I have been tweeting my Steemit posts on Twitter anyway. 😉
Yea I think I did what you said but can you explain what you mean you want us to make a post on twitter and tag you guys and use them #s? or make a post here and use the #s in our post on here? CONFUSED #steem #seven77 @ProfAcademy @NathanMars7
Thank you for your support to steem awareness.I am spreading awareness about #STEEM with 7pushups challenge since 53 days via Twitter campaign using hashtag #steem #seven77 and @nathanmars .I am also mentioning daily one reason why I love #steem
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Great reminder for everyone to do this! It is incredible for me how often I forget to share my posts despite it being so easy!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I've done 42 days of #Seven77. I've had a nice reward from Nathan and I think he will be giving out more to those who participate.
We need to get #Steem trending on Twitter.
Does your bird have a Steem account or does it just tweet? ;)
lol the birds name is Dr Dre. He is only 13 weeks old so right now he just tweets
lol good one 🙈
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Starting with one from me...a great travel blog and review about India
Steem just gives me freedom to express myself openly through steemit platform.
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thanks :-)
Just tweeted out the link to your video and I resteemed this post!
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I will scream as loud as I can to bring the steem to the moon again. Thank you @paulag for providing this. Honestly, I often do this shouting on social media, but for Twitter I have never done it before, and tomorrow I will shout steem on twitter and teach other friends to do this.
high five, you go :-)
Sure! Here it is:
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Glad to help spread the word! Here is my tweet
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This is so cool. You have my full support!
Hey again Mrs @paulag, I have not been with twitter for long time, today I have tried to active my twitter accnt again. I have met some big accnt there, such as @nathanmars7 @theycallmedan and others. I am also love their post about promosteem. Finally I post one post of mine on twitter to promo steem in indonesian, here the link I realize this is my first small step of mine in help this beloved steem platform. 💪💪💪
Thank you for shout my name in the list.
Here is my 3rd day video supporting #seven77 movement challenge.
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nice work, keep it up
Thank you for the encouragement for Steem.You are so beautiful in and out Ma'am @paulag
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I tweeted and tagged you.
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Hi @paulag I came over here from @erikah via @sustainablelivin and have to agree that @nathanmars is doing a fabulous job. I started tweeting during the dpolls. I keep on forgetting to tweet! Fortunately Twitter does remind me. Like you I believe in Steem... Be well!
Thank you for being an active member and I'm happy to see my post was not in vain. Keep posting and tweeten and have a nice evening :)
~~~ embed:1122558327391694848 twitter metadata:UGhvZW5peEdSX3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9QaG9lbml4R1JfL3N0YXR1cy8xMTIyNTU4MzI3MzkxNjk0ODQ4fA== ~~~i dont start yet the #seven77 challenge but i will do it before the end of the month
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Already been doing this, but AAAAHHHHH your camera kept making the walls and door behind you warp and it was some Doctor Strange bad acid trip, lol. XD
lol did you see that too. I have no idea how that happened, maybe is the powers I have lololo
I already did but will change the message!
Are we really doing so bad on steem?
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Happy to do that. 😊👍 @paulag
100% upvoted and resteemed. You go girl. We should all be doing this every day. Me included.
I have tagged you because you can help and we need your help and support today. Watch the video to find out more but in short: tweet your post use the tags above, share it below and I will upvote it, we need to raise awareness of steem on twitter and we need you to help. you can do it by simplying pressing the twitter button on the bottom of the post.
@algo.coder, @mrday, @markgritter, @stevenmosoes, @reconstitution, @ammyluv, @giddyupngo, @artgirl, @evolved08gsr, @karamyog, @heartbeat1515, @hashcash, @eoj, @sparkesy43, @sparrowbernard, @aneukpineung78, @por500bolos, @cave-man, @angelro, @darkbish, @paparodin, @coinsandchains, @travelling-two, @gmatthe2, @tfq86, @iamjadeline, @opeyemil, @headchange, @rezaarmada, @katebaerfossils, @fullcoverbetting, @habeebability, @stever82, @wiralhokseumawe, @trincowski, @angelacs, @miguelvargas, @ross-early, @uyobong, @curatorcat, @paigegirl, @paradigm42, @insculpt, @nurhayati, @khaimi, @abidemiademok21, @loreshapergames, @spbeckman, @resuscitate, @tryskele, @peekbit, @djamidjalal, @phoenixwren, @cryptoandcoffee, @cryptocopy,, @wizardave, @meetmysuperego, @hananali, @lemareg, @rentmoney, @cryptoyzzy, @qam2112, @rufruf, @sattpaing, @familytree, @suyutu, @akdx, @mmunited, @lamkote, @kyi, @cicisaja, @mimismartypants, @chekohler, @empress-eremmy, @curart38, @sk540, @mariusclaassen, @sebbbl, @andrianhabibi, @kinglypalace, @farhanali, @chrismadcboy2016, @badmusgreene, @simata, @kriptonik, @explosive, @mitrado, @buckaroo, @rotantua, @brittandjosie, @viking-ventures, @sarez, @justatouchfey, @normalguy, @fukumineko, @coretan.aksara, @ainee, @wdougwatson, @maxijgcomm,, @maquemali, @organicgardener, @herbertholmes, @pauliinasoilu, @dfinney, @osso, @sulepower, @crypto-econom1st, @nonsowrites, @johnstone, @smithlabs, @siphon, @aiyumi, @putu300, @simplegame, @arteem, @handofzara, @bien, @yogajill, @brsim, @heelsandmuffins, @steemjetdiscord, @purpletanzanite, @mediahousent, @cadawg, @pawpawpaw, @porters, @pupu93, @akomoajong, @twodorks, @diogosantos, @maracuja, @whitelightxpress, @dalz, @nureza, @minloulou, @yanyanbebe, @ucizahra, @cwow2, @gungadin, @lord-geraldi, @roxy-cat, @letstalksurvival, @bluerobo, @fubear, @steeminati, @cyrus33, @mustang88, @kingdebasura, @altobee, @nancymoral, @marblely, @amanpathak, @proelite, @zemiatin, @umulius, @minhaz007, @theexcelclub, @ykdesign, @clicked, @lauchmelder, @khan.dayyanz, @mango-juice, @schachoberhessen, @udow, @anmitsu, @isarmoewe, @brickmanbrad, @wonderwop, @ifeoluwa88, @schach, @amr008, @btcsam, @kalam, @eliasgerald, @cali914, @jbap85, @maitre,, @yagoub, @zaenach73, @olivia08, @marcosdk, @ashokcan143, @oppongk, @ajorundon, @leonellaforever, @newaccountwhodis, @skramatters, @chwaqas, @payoutbot, @otek, @zappa100, @azarmadr3, @general-susu, @usman119, @nmcdougal94, @darthgexe, @ond, @prasasth, @enosh, @aezakmi, @zappa100, @shaheerbari, @nolimit909, @julianhorack, @romiferns, @kimmysomelove42, @nascimentoab, @giftedwords, @grizzabella, @himalayannomad, @optimusprime90, @coyotelation, @teutonium, @redheadpei, @wallyt, @steeminati, @hananali, @wpkwolfe, @getyourstuff, @drakoscliff, @janyasai, @marchforth, @wakeupkitty, @lion200, @rana2423, @deejonivf, @seadbeady, @stanism, @lordoffaux, @true2bigblue, @cowboys1071, @erikahfit, @shaungerow, @mistakili, @coinchaos, @goodguymate, @chwaqas, @shuvo35, @jamethiel, @rafaeleff15, @kalif, @wildhomesteading, @jimbi, @mk992039, @talesod, @murathe, @bloggerkrunal, @anroja, @rikaz87, @babarakas43, @cst90, @gargi, @vibesforlife, @johnb75, @lordvdr, @aceandnotes, @roaringpurr, @mytechtrail, @seadbeady, @tntdabomb, @dtwo, @kramgelo, @natedebate, @shainemata, @owasco, @tante.emmas.weed, @dragonblades, @isgledysduarte, @currencyminer
Hi Paula,
This is Rich's friend Stu. You removed me and everyone in our group from the Redfish League. Yet you spam me now. Personally I keep my Posts to the, I don't want them appearing on my Facebook, or LinkedIn, eBay or Amazon. Copying content on mass to multiple platforms very Spammy.
The fact you want my help, yet do not allow me the league, seems ver hypocritical...
Just my take on it.
Please understand when you paint everyone with the same broad brush, you don't deal with people fairly.
asking to help steem is spam, okay fair enough, enjoy your day.
I've tweeted. I tweet all my posts - either for Steem or Whaleshares.
Thanks for the shout. I thought #steem77 was a specific initiative (I don't do selfies... so it's not happening for me, lol.) But I do use the #steem (or #whaleshares) hashtags for the relevant posts.
Been not using tweeter and linkedid for sometimes now.. I think I can do this 😉 thank you @paulag for tagging me
Thanks for mention me my tutor @paulag. I will try it. :)
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Thank you for tagging me, I'm willing to support you Ma'am, Let do it together for Steem awareness.
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I do jave twitter but it is not connected to steem . I only connect my instagram to steem, may I use instagram instead? but I will link it to my twitter too.
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My language on Twitter is 99% German. Sorry.I'm sharing some #nextcolony related stuff on Twitter already. Also, @altobee and I are feeding the #OpTren hashtag in German almost every Monday.
Adding to my tweets. ✌️
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I do not have a Twitter account, but I hope this push goes well. Sorry I cannot help with this, but I do try to let people I think might be interested know about Steem.
I don't have a Twitter account. I have no idea how to help.
I don't understand about twitter,how I can help you😢
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Hi @paulag!
Your UA account score is currently 8.127 which ranks you at #16 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 2 places in the last three days (old rank 18).Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 230 contributions, your post is ranked at #6.
Evaluation of your UA score:
Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server
Thank you so much for participating in the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!
need your time for something spical
Here's one more: