
I understand where @adamkokesh is coming from and I will agree that most people are saying Thank You for Your Service because when you enlist and take that oath you are lead to believe that you will be defending your country from evil. I signed up for the United States Air Force in 1984 straight out of high school. It was during the "Cold War" and I saw the end of the "Cold War" and the "Fall of the Wall" in Berlin. I thought it was a great thing to see the B-52 Bombers come off of "alert" and many of the missile silos deactivated. We were friends with the Russians and they were letting Americans behind the "Iron Curtain". Heck, talk about screwing a country, the United States from what I understand flooded Russia with counterfeit Rubbles and caused their economy to collapse. Then the next thing I know I was in Spain at Torrejon AB and the largest airlift in history took place as we readied for the first Iraq war, which was because Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait and why we didn't take Saddam out then I don't know. I am not sure when I realized we had moved into Afghanistan and still not sure why the heck we are there. I do know that the poppy fields started a come back and I have photos of US Military personnel walking and look to be protecting those crops and now we have an opiate problem in this country, imagine that. I got out of the military in 1996 after 12 years of service. I was 30 years old then. I left the military on not so good of terms and that is a story for another time. I am proud of my service and I learned a great deal, got to travel a little and met some great people. It wasn't until 9/11 that I really started to take a serious look at what was happening and seeing that "War Is A Racket". It has been a long evolution and hours of research to understand what Adam is saying and to see that the military is not about protecting Americans, but actually forcing the will of what Bush called the "Have's" on the "Have Not's". So, maybe Adam should say Thank You and your Welcome before he explains himself. Adam does an amazing job explaining it, while remaining polite and respectful and I know it pisses some people off, but he does make a valid point. I know I don't have a problem with the Russian's, Chinese, Iraqi's or any other country, but it sure seems the United States government has a problem with almost every other country out there and if they don't have a problem the CIA will fix that. It seems to me that the governments are the problem, not the people. I still have respect for anyone that joins the military and once Adam is elected for #NotPOTUS in 2020 we can bring our military home or at least use those forces to build countries up and NOT bomb them back to the stone age, into submission and kill anymore innocent people. Alright, Adam if you are reading this I want to say THANK YOU Sergeant Kokesh for your continued service to the people of the world and to FREEDOM which is still Free everyday at The 2017 #TaxationIsTheft FREEDOM Tour is happening now catch Adam and Ben Farmer as they hit 68 cities with FREEDOM, just giving it away! #Stradog in Gun Barrel City, Texas