
Warren Buffett thinks in investing time frames of at least 5 years. But his holding period is preferably much longer… “Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.”

brother nathan. it appears james's post was flagged. i explained to him the flagging wars going on right now. we shall keep our heads up. dtube and steem family...for the long haul! :)

I'm so sorry to see this flag!!

If you know anyone who are involved with this then please share my contact details and I'm happy to make PEACE with all the people involved.

Let's choose LOVE over FEAR.

My contact details

WhatsApp +447901003594

Telegram @nathanmars Discord @nathanmars#2708 Twitter @nathanmars7

Thanks for your continued support @nathanmars and @rawutah! You are two that encourage me to keep producing content to bring value to others on this blockchain 😁

You deserve it brother !!

God bless you :)

Thank you my friend. You are a light to the community. God bless you also 🙏🏻😁

it is bernie sanders my dear brother nathan. it is his flag war with fulltimegeek. i won't tag them here so as not to throw more fuel on bernie's fire. the geek resteemed james's post. bernie is flagging all those the geek supports. even from resteems....people are being flagged. dtubers. thanks for being aware of how this is and may affect our dtube family as this war progresses. we will not let it get us down....or react to bernie.

I love bernie and I heard lots of nice things about him and please give me few days and I'll kindly ask him to make peace with you guys!

Have a lovely day :)


thank you big brother...and have a lovely day/evening. we send love and forgiveness to all!!!! the steem! :) we appreciate you so very much nathan!

I second that @rawutah 😁

brother nathan. all is well. @llfarms talked with bernie...and the flags have been reversed. thanks for standing by us nathan. thank you...also Justine!!!! thank you also bernie! thank you FTG. we appreciate you all very much!

I'm super happy to hear you guys made peace with bernie!

I knew bernie is cool person !!

And big thanks to @llfarms and I'm sending my love to everyone made this peaceful ending :)