Did I say that I like this stuff with featuring one member at the beginning of the show? :)
I think that I like that so much is because when you do it, I recognize the person and I always have something common, some story, some memory or connection with the member...
For example, Randy (@MyTechTrail) left a very positive impression when we were two representatives of SteemSavvy in one of the Ramble shows... As I was very fresh and insecure in my English skills for presenting the platform, Randy took the steering wheel and do that as a BOSS!
That's the real value of our CTP community, we know each other and jump in when someone needs help... Flying under the radar isn't important when we can do it together slow and steady!
Thanks for remembering that Ramble show and the very big complement.
You two guys were a couple of the first Steemians to jump into our Discord.....Can't thank you both enough! I think it was from a middle of the night Vimm session too lol
Lol.. I have no clue when it was, nor where...