
I agree with what you're saying and it is a superior model of monetizing content the problem i see at the moment is we've cheapented the interenet through these scale first platforms and now users are used to having "FREE" access in exchange for their data and feeding these platforms with hours of the time. Essentially users do all the work and the platform makes the connections between the creator, audience and advertiser. its a rent seeking platform that really doesn't offer much in terms of innovation its all there to centralise money and resources and keep users from exploring other options. Keep them dumb and entertained and distracted and they'll never look for alternatives

Yeah, exactly. When something is "free" you're the product. And these platforms sets you trapped

Yeah and of course with free offers - the registration is much easier and much much faster. This is the main reason for this group of my friends who not switched over already.

You just have to watch some commercials - give all of your data .... - and you can signup in seconds.

Thanks for sharing this video bro