Good video! It's so true what you said inside the video.
It's truly wild how much power you get when you just observe things. You see other people getting attached to things and don't know why they get attached anymore! Attachment is corruption in life. Experiencing things is fine as long as we keep moving forward always into new experiences and not get stuck on 1 experience. This too shall pass.
That is when you start to see the power of the present moment. I like my 2 favourites of doing things 3x slower so you quickly become aware and do things with grace move around smooth and elegant. It truly makes every single moment enjoyable. And you see how much enjoyment every second could bring if you just paid some attention to the moment.
Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth is my favourite when it comes to presence and get updated on this topic. It's so well written every page is a joy. Goethe also writes very elegant when it comes to explaining things he observes in the world. It gives you some new ideas to think about in life!
Thanks for the nice feedback! Yeah, I've been going big on those tips you provided in the 2017 recap video, I'm trying to pay a lot of attention to every single thing I do and always being aware, meditation twice a day also helps out so so much, because it makes you aware so much more throughout the day.
I haven't read New Earth yet, but I did read the Power of Now 2 times in a row and it made a big impact on me. You know what, next week I'm going on vacation and I'm gonna read New Earth a couple of times, I really find reading the same book 2-3x times really slow makes a big difference. Because you absorb every bit of information and it really makes you think and absorb the knowledge the author provides.
By the way, check out Greg Kuhn and his books on changing beliefs, I downloaded Kindle on my phone because you recommended and the highlighter feature is awesome, I got like 3books for $6 which is so amazing. Kindle is awesome! :D