
It's true. I made a post once called Nothing Bad Ever Happens to you. Life works with us amazingly. When I look back at my life, the best things come from problems. There have been some that have been torture when I didn't want to live anymore, but when you come out of that really deep shit, then you're really, really strong. It builds a lot of momentum, and the worse you can feel, the better you can feel. It's like a frickin' trampoline. The farther down you go, the higher up you can get. Then when you feel good, you feel really, really good because of contrast. Without many problems in life, you're pretty much at one stagnant baseline where there's no emotion that goes far in either direction. You just feel pretty comfortable and complacent which is BORING!

Had to screenshot this comment since it was THAT good :)


Hey question about buying SteemPower. If I buy 5k SP, do I get the Steem I traded for the SP back after 90 days, or do I essentially pay X amount of STEEM to have the 5k SP? I'm basically trying to ask if I get my money back or do I lose it?

You lose it since you buy a rental of SP

Seth Godin speaks about this, how people and more to the point children, are not faced with enpuh problems to solve. we are told how to do this or that much to often, never taking the time or effort to solve a problem or create a solution on our own.

hi @phoneinf Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together

I try to stay away from problems, You are brave