The TRUTH About The CORONAVIRUS They Hope You’ll NEVER SEE!!!

in #dtube5 years ago

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan China as of the making of this video has 653 confirmed people to have come into contact with the virus with 18 people dead

but where did this new mutation come from? Some researchers are suggesting that the virus was transferred to humans via bats and/or snakes while the World Health Organization is scrambling to find answers. A good place to look might be the National Bio-safety Laboratory in Wuhan where the spread began which just so happens to be the location for the first lab on the Chinese mainland equipped for the highest level of biocontainment!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks at the possible sources of this virus and the fact that a lab in Wuhan was working on studying the pathogen that causes SARS aka the coronavirus in the lead up to this recent outbreak while also analyzing Bill Gates prophesy of doom from 2 years ago where he predicting that a virus could soon take out up to 30 million people.

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▶️ DTube

Thanks for this info Dan. I don't believe in this virus and the fear mongering. I will not take the vaccine when they come out with it in a few weeks. If I get sick I will use food grade hydrogen peroxide, since this is a cure for many diseases. This is the same old story, they come out with a virus and then a vaccine that immobilizes us and makes people docile and inhibits their cognitive functions. Don't believe the lies your told. Don't trust Youtube for truthful info because it is owned by our Masters and is becoming a brainwashing tactic.

The Truth will set you free. Wished that Pro-vaccine people would give it a chance and look at both sides of the vaccine issue instead of just believing their drug company funded doctors, right off the bat.

I doubt you will see this comment, but what first comes to mind when i think of Wuhun, is the Fentyanl manfuctaring hub of China. I know there is no link, but what if this puts a dent into the supply.

If the supply of fentanyl is reduced, the market for it will pay more for what remains available, and turn to suitable competing products to make up shortfall.

Not sure what prompts the question, but what I see as likely options the market for fentanyl will turn to are all products controlled by the CIA. I must assume then that should fentanyl be reduced in supply, the CIA will profit.
