He's Back!
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with independent journalist Ben Swann about his pizza gate video, leaving the msm and the current state of independent media.
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▶️ DTube
Great interview! Keep fighting the good fight!
Keep on getting the truth out there!
wow Very interesting!
Very unique news
finally! ben swan-awesome!!!!!
Thank God for Ben Swann and Dash! Get the truth out.
Good interview
You have done great work.ben swann speaking right.
This is truth.served cold, i really learnt fr this, thanks alot. I am looking forward to the next video. @charliechain good observation. Nice one thanks
I'll try go watch this. Just seeing this for the first time.
If it is what I think it is, it reminds me of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11
Great interview! I really love Ben Swann. I live in Atlanta and saw the Pizzgate segment live. I was thrilled to see Ben doing real journalism again. then all of a sudden he turned into Corporate Ben. My wife and I were devastated. What happened? We both thought someone had gotten to Ben or his family.
Seeing him here and learning he is adopting @dtube and @Steemit is HOT NEWS for Ben, Steemit and frankly everyone that wants REAL NEWS.
I hope you keep in touch with Been and repost those interviews.
You and Benn could do a real Top Of The Line weekly @Dlive segment that would I think be one of the hottest things on STEEMit.
Keep True and STEEM on.
Great to see this guy again. He is great.
I must say this post is very nice i like it
Thanks for posting, and welcome back Ben Swann!
That's what happens when you report against the Establishment, they have their fingers everywhere in the West, especially in the USA where they just press a button and their opponent is shut down.
Here's how they got to such an enormous power and it did take them over a century of hard dedicated work to get there: Real Decision Makers in the USA - Shocking Facts!
I can't get dtube to work so I think it downloaded so I can watch it later......thanks for the post
Good to see you back, Dan. Please keep spreading light. You and your work are well appreciated
Greatest Eye Elusion ever
Comment done when seen it.
What a great interview.All are truth.Thanks for you honest work!
I support you.
Hey noobs, don't be mistaken for spam! Here are some tips on how to make good comments
Nice dtube
This blog is nice..i like that...
Upvote me..thanks..
Great interview! Loved your work.
It is a good post after reading this post. If you do such a post, I would like to understand

Great interview Dan! I see you are still uploading to YouTube. Are having issues uploading to Dtube. I have.
And, I appreciate using YouTube as a work-around.
Very Happy,
That you are Back.
Greetings From Berlin
Thank you for sharing
great blog...
I realize it so much...
keep it on...
thanks for sharing
I will like to watch him because i love good things and nice ideas
awesome awesome awesome!! and I'm seriously jealous that I couldn't make it to anarchapolco!! great interview!

This is a re-post from earlier today......
And it's in the wrong category.
well i think thats awesome
Hes gona be lit and a nice post keep it up man
Glad that yall here on Dtube. I'm literally prosuming as I learn more. What more could I ask for..
Perhaps a NEW TREND of real journalists being backed by crypto is afoot with this fateful endeavor.
Thank you DASH!
Ben Swann is an upright journalist and I am happy to see him reporting on important issues such as the Haiti disaster relief fiasco rather than the useless chatter about such events seem on the MSM. Here is his report:
Reality Check with Ben Swann: If Haiti Is a "S***hole" Country, Who Is Really to Blame? which is extremely well presented in a nice format.
Well done Mr. Swann and welcome back! We will definitely be checking out your new website truthinmedia.com.
Ben is an American hero. Thank god he's back, and thank you PFT for spreading the word!!! God bless!
Man, just like Germany. We are truly F`ed
nice post
Hey noobs, don't be mistaken for spam! Here are some tips on how to make good comments
Finally we get to hear what happened to truth in media directly from Ben, thanks for bringing this to us Dan!
And did I hear that correctly, Ben Swann is coming to DTube/Steemit?!?!
Great interview!
Very interesting!
when I see the picture watching the tv .. my imagination thinks that small information can be a big profit.
according to the picture ..
_TV small .. we have a lot of information.
_when watching BIG for receiving information from tv..and doing the job to be successful.
maybe this message is different from the other friends.
Very well, come on .... "give applause" 👏👏👏
very good interview....keep going
Excelent!! from today I start to follow your videos!
Kindly upvote https://steemit.com/steem/@gabbysobio/back-home-from-my-friends-wedding-and-i-do-wish-her-a-happy-married-life-it-feels-good-to-be-home-my-legs-were-tired-from-all thanks.
great post.thanks for sharing
This is a great work to truth out @pressfortruth ,from @nasimmd #Rahat
Continue to gain enlightenment and inspiration in each of your posts
What a charming personalty ben is. Like his personality his world are so genuine and truthfull.
thanks for sharing
nice boss
Hey noobs, don't be mistaken for spam! Here are some tips on how to make good comments