It's hard to believe that we live in a time where saying there are only two genders is considered offensive or controversial we are. In a world where gay rights turned into LGBTQlmnop we now have a society of delusional people some of whom identify as a cat or even a child despite being a full grown adult. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Theryn Meyer, a trans woman who understands that it is impossible to change the fact that she is actually a man with XY chromosomes while explaining to other trans people that if they think they can actually achieve a full transformation they are delusional.
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Just to commit another hate crime (I love hate crimes these days);
If someone feels there is a discrepancy between his/her mind and his/her body, that may be true, but in my personal opinion it is a bit presumptuous to assume that nature (or God) has made a mistake and that your body is wrong.
Everyone should be whoever they want inside, but until biology becomes subjective, I will continue sharing this Bill HIcks quote. "Beliefs are neat, cherish them...Just understand that doesn't necessarily make them true".
A difficult issue very sensitively discussed, and very thought-provoking.