BUSTED! Some of THE BEST Airport Bilderberg Confrontations To Date!

in #dtube6 years ago

The Bilderberg meetings have come and gone

and the global elite are now set to have their agenda carried out over the next 12 months. When 130 people are instructed to NOT talk about the meeting, you’re bound to get a few who don’t follow the rules…

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth takes on some Bilderberg members at the airport as they make their departure to question them about their involvement, the agenda and where things will be going from here!


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▶️ DTube

"If you're going to tell the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they may kill you." I appreciate the joking friendly attitude you guys seemed to perpetuate throughout your Bilderberg coverage this year.

Laughing at these people may be the most effective approach!

Excellent work! Your professionalism and dedication is greatly appreciated!

lol, they are getting more hesitant to answer your questions by the year, and more scared and threatened by your presence if I may add. Great job, keep at it!

I was see Estonia man there also ... and I'm from Estonia ... I can say I not feel good when I see this. :(
This man name was Jüri Ratas .

It's so creepy how little transparency there is around this thing...

It's so creepy how
Little transparency there
Is around this thing...

                 - howardblott

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