Free speech isn't just in's on it's deathbed!
Independent journalist Lauren Southern was recently detain under section 7 of the terrorism act and refused entry into the UK for what they determined to be racist views. Meanwhile reporter Tommy Robinson was recently attacked by migrants and violent antifa thugs but they didn't account for the fact that when you corner a bull dog in a threatening manner, he's gonna bite back. And is being critical of Islam tantamount to racism?
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks all this down and more in another installment of What You Need To Know!
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Those people who attacked Tommy with bandanas over their face, sure remind me of the agitators inciting violence that were exposed as cops in Montebello. Hmmmm......
Ayy, my thumbnail.
fact (and not opinion) for the third item in your presentation: "Islam is at odds with Western Christian standards, morals and values" Please consider what you are saying here! You have made a general and sweeping statement that I find almost incredible coming from a journalist purporting to be neutral. Perhaps I have just misunderstood your position on some fundamental political lines, and perhaps there is no 'true' neutrality! Either way, you refer to a world of permanent divisions (and therefore contribute to division yourself) by presenting as fact an 'us' and 'them' scenario. Sure you can build a case for this, and many will agree - but it is a cheap, easy shot, and it dehumanises and exludes the 'other' -in this case the followers of the religion that is at odds with Western standards, morals and values! Laying it out this way IMO, also implies the superiority of one of those sets of standards - to be different is not to be better or worse; one's familiarity with say English as a language does not make it superior to a language one is not as familiar with - to suggest superiority is entirely subjective, it is a perception, a preference, a prejudice! To state what you have as fact - and you do it twice, repeated and thought through - is definitely noteworthy! You do appear to course-correct and start applying this to Islam as a political system, and you refer to Islamic fundamentalism in the West. Perhaps this is more what you intended to say - dunno. However, the connection is clearly made, religion and politics are lumped together in a neat conceptual continuum. I see what you are saying about trying to clear up the stage for this discussion, but the position you have taken seems to lead in a counter direction and engages with the same old energies - the myths of consensus reality. Do you see what I am trying to point out? It tastes of prejudice and double-standards to me; perhaps an unconscious vestige of Matrix-double-think, perhaps not.
🚣It is a touchy subject @pressfortruth and lines can be very fine indeed. What I find strange is the base line you lay out as
What happend to Luran sothern when she came on to steemit?
You should talk about that press for truth!!!!!!
I went to check her profile. I'm a newbie here and pretty shocked that someone as popular as Lauren got her post hidden.
steemit life i guess. lol
Sure wish press for truth would talk about the censorship on this platform and be honest insted of shilling and making false statements that make all of us old watchers question the legitimacy of press for truth.
The platform is slowly getting better, and better then most sites but its no where near perfect yet.
also welcome to steemit, even after the shit show it is a great place with alot of awesome people.
It's a real shame not only what happened to Lauren, but also Martin and Brittany. It would appear that the authorities were either notified by detractors like Antifa or other Leftist Groups who were aware of them coming to the UK and or the authorities were policing social media on upcoming events and their attendees.
It may be fair to say that they were made an example of and were essentially being disciplined with the full weight of a sovereign nation. It had to have been incredibly intimidating and disheartening to think that you're being detained, yet you've committed no crime.
Tommy's situation is infuriating and despicable, especially since these guys took it upon themselves to attack a female too. Thankfully their messages are getting a lot of social media play and I plan on covering this myself on my Friday Vlog.
Uk is Now a Marxist police state.
when I was 12 years old in england, a police 'officer' tried to use terrorism legislation to 'apprehend' me for letting off small, homemade (crappy) fireworks.. lol
This has been planned for a loong time.. Good for Tommy...Read 'Morals and Dogma'. l think Pike talks of it there, and the billionaires are funding the useful idiots to do their dirty work. Oh's in the Bible too :)
Thank you for your kind information
Christianity isn't the answer to Islam.
You are right Dan. All of this video shows us on the precipice of a very slippery slope for free thought and the related aspect of free speech. It is disturbing but I know as an activist who is targeted by agencies --- it shows how UN-FREE we actually are, and we keep paying into the broken system.
Criticising 'Islam' is not racist...However, what I can see going on here is extremism from both sides. Both sides are meandering around looking for trouble to present as evidence of each others, hatred and intolerance. So, who is really behind all of this? All of this is being politically organised, from both sides of the argument. None of it is 'organic'.
Islam is not a race . Thanks for giving report and news about attackt.
What a nice behavior when come to another country and try stear up hate.
Why do Jews have to behave like that?
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Great informative post.
I bet this was demonetizatied on youtube haha
I am very sure, many will soon wake up... and lot well see it.
Because this is not normal this is absurd... I am interested in how fast the police came from? when they attacked on the street.
Who else here is an ancap??