Cannabis will be legalized in Canada in the very near future but what will this actually mean for the average cannabis user in Canada? Under prime minister Justin Trudeau Canadians were promised an end to prohibition but that clearly has not been the case as dispensaries are being shut down and more and more people are still be arrested for a victimless crime. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media about the liberal government's plans when it comes to cannabis and the monopolization of an entire industry that is happening right before our very eyes.
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From what I heard over the CBC News, the right to grow is going to be still there, yet still with some restriction as to how many plants... The latest news I heard was mostly about the price of it needing to be low enough not to be prohibitive to the general public.
Yet, there a situation arising relating to an homogenization of the plant toward one specifically government controlled genes. They say it is because of the "need" for quality and health control, but, as you underline, the monopolization is on the rise even more so because of this movement. I wonder how the users will respond to that, whether they will stat to grow more diversity in order to deal with the problem or if they'll become lazy and allow for the cannabis to become another one of those plants that see such homogenization that it kills its natural diversity to the profit of human-made synthetics.
Thanks for the opportunity to share on this matter, may the force stay with us and namaste :)
Disgusting. He may be a pretty face, but Trudeau seems to represent corporate interests as much as his predecessors. This is evident in his decision to keep supporting oil pipelines/fossil fuel exploration, not to mention not standing up to the likes of Trump. Cannabis legalisation will take more than an ideologue to get passed as it requires a strong backbone and saying goodbye to the support of the pharmaceutical lobby...
wow very nice post
This is just great thanks for posting this. It will be interesting to see how this turns out.
Good job @pressfortruth
enjoy this one.
Higher higher baby! I'd like to move in Canada :D
Run from the cure is a documentary I highly recommend
I agree 100%
It amazes me how much these politicians are shaken up by this simple plant.
You should see Jamaica. Marijuana grow in different colors here. The government is still giving us a fight though.
The liquor board runs it in Portland, OR also (OLCC)