Before the bodies were even cold the issue of gun control took center stage. In the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, political grand standing and celebrity virtue signaling increased tenfold as the 2nd amendment once again came under attack. Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Mahr, Stephen Corbert And John Oliver all have a significant part to play in promoting the propaganda that seeks to undermine individual freedoms of self preservation. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Austrian economist and libertarian theorist Walter Block about the issue of gun control in response to the Las Vegas shooting.
Come see Dan Dicks and Walter Block at the Sons Of Anarchy on Nov 19th 2017:
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Interesting debate ... I understand the US. second amendment and respect it, on the other hand the numbers are very hard to ignore. The USA has many of the cities in the world with greater numbers of violent crimes with guns, year after year. I think that owning guns sounds nice but creates a more defensive, less free society, grounded in fear. Living in fear is a bad atmosphere, and people snap once in a while. At the same time the business is great for many companies. You are free to own guns but the concequences create pain and fear in the society. Just a thought
What numbers are hard to ignore? There are millions of guns in the USA, and 99.999% of them didn't murder anyone yesterday. Sure, we have a lot of suicides with guns, but that's because a gun makes it easy to kill yourself. I hope those people get help and decide life is worth it, but it is their choice to end their own life though.
A lot of people die in the USA from knife, bat, and other weapons too. Guns are not the only way people here murder each other. If you took all those things away, there would still be predators and still be murderers. We cannot expect predators to follow gun laws either. Why would a soon to be murderer care about a gun law? They won't.
We will never disarm here. I hate to break it to the rest of the world, but it will never happen. There would be a bloody revolution again if the government tried to disarm the people. That is, after all, how the first American Revolution started. The British moved to disarm the militias, as in the whole body people people per Section 13 of Virginia's Declaration of Rights:
The people of Europe have recent examples also as to why it is more dangerous to disarm. Did strict gun laws stop terrorists from using guns to slaughter people in France? Do gun laws stop grenades from being used in Sweden? History proves to us, over and over, that the people should remain armed. That is the best defense of individual liberty.
Governments want us disarmed to better control us, and being disarmed keeps people in fear. It is the opposite of what you wrote. Without the means to defend your own life, you have to defend on others to do it. They won't however. Worse, government is the number one murderer of innocent people. Look up democide.
Between government and criminals, the people would be wise to maintain the ability to defend themselves as a last resort.
I think the culture of America is more responsible for gun violence than the greater number of gun owners. IMO it's like the argument that if you own a gun you are X% more likely to get shot with it. That mostly goes for gun owners that are not properly trained and/or do not take the responsibility of ownership seriously enough. Sure, some un-preventable accidents happen but by majority they were probably preventable.
Also, I have a feeling that there are just more REGISTERED gun owners in America than in a lot of other countries, but that is just my flash intuition. It could possibly be an error of statistical analysis that Americans own more guns and are more violent. Can you link to the stats that you mentioned or list the search query that you used, by chance?
Or maybe it is the cold hard fact that a gun free zone = easy target, or that taking way guns increases gun crimes, or maybe it is the, taking protection away from people increases their reason to fear.
Why don’t they hold daily marches in Chicago, Detriot and countless other cities where people are killing each other daily? It is wrong to notice these killings? Typical hypocritical liberals who call themselves progressives but are actually tyrants.
No one wants to talk about the Soviet Union, Laos, China, or any other mass slaughter of local people by the government either. Then they are baffled at why true defenders of individual liberty "cling to their guns." I know history. Damn right I'm keeping my guns because I know my enemy.
This was an FBI operation, a ritual sacrifice, and they do not want it to be known. That is why they are not interested in the second shooter because they DID it. Paddock was a patsy. He was running guns for the FBI to ISIS militants inside the USA, using gambling to launder the money. Worshipping evil, this was a setup for a massive sacrifice of innocents by the government.
I saw in the news that 10 - 25 people went out to protest.

It's really bad sign. Maybe death is normal for society.
Most of yall who want guns to fight "tyranny" would never bust a shot against the government. Yall are the same people who probably support law enforcement. I have guns. Two of them, a pistol and a rifle, not 50 guns with 19796894686464 rounds of ammo.
Yall talk about inner city violence with no mention of the systematic causes too like urban people are just savage. Be real that's really what you have guns for.......
I do not like arguments based on fear. Fear makes us irrational. Fear can "justify" almost everything.
Keep it up for the shake of good humanity.Respected @pressfortruth independent media is heartline for any countries democracy and it's values we support you, although I am very little by my upvote but my pardon and respect is with you.
No to Guns !!! let's vote against guns
Vote away. That's the beauty of a republic, if we had one that is. The smallest minority for the law to protect is one person. Regardless of the law, I will maintain my natural right to defend my life and the lives of others with deadly force if all else fails.
yes keep posting this kind of posts.i encourage you.
sad incident.
hey whats up.I have a great interest about shooting. So exciting event i hope.
wow... i totally support gun control... because once a gun gets into the wrong hands, all hell could let loose... i hope they can finally seal the deal of gun control finally.. thanks for sharing
Tell that to the governments who have slaughtered millions upon millions of their own people.
And continue to do so yearly in spite of all the guns the people own. So much for the well-regulated militia ensuring the security of the state. It's more dangerous by the year and our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is infringed more and more by the year.
Because the genie is out of the bottle in America and most gun regulations don't work (either because they are ill-considered, not enforced, or unenforcible) the only sensible solution is to admit failure and accept consequences. The militia needs more guns. Heck since guns are expensive why not send everyone a free gun because why should anyone be prevented from owning one just because they can't afford it? Since it will decrease crime to have everyone armed we can get rid of cops and save money paying for cops, insurance and enjoy increased property values and safer lives.
#betterlivingthroughguns4all #ayfkm?
no to guns yes to peace
usefull post
Everything is politicized without respect for human dignity. It is
It's just not rational that the gun debate has devolved to such an extent. The only two available positions are the far extremes, of all guns all the time. Or no guns ever at any time.
I'm a gun owner, and I don't feel it infringes the 2nd amendment to have limits on gun possession. We have limits on the types of vehicles which are 'street legal'. There are limits on the types of things you can do when building a residence. This does not take away our ability to have a vehicle or a residence. Likewise, with gun related crimes being quite high in this country compared to other western capitalist democracies.
Guns are not already heavily restricted? What restrictions would you add? The NFA wasn't enough? Do the current gun laws stop predators and soon to be murderers from using guns to commit crimes? No, they do not. All gun laws do is make it difficult for individuals to have an equal defense against government forces. There will always be that double standard, but it needs to be as little as possible.
Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you for the great post..
@pressfortruth, upvoted and following you. Between America has too many guns to control by any law, not a practical solution. Only education can cure this as well as community efforts to care for people.
This scene is surely edited, and maybe Michael Moore has his own sins (who doesn't), but anyway, I think the video below sums it up (Moore goes to a bank offering a gun to anybody opening a new account) ..:
Also, when it comes to Machine Guns, the guns that fire tens of bullets in a second... An individual pulls the trigger, and until he/she decides "not to kill" (if we are "lucky" enough), he/she already fired hundreds of bullets... So, in seconds, hundreds of bullets. Damage incorporated. By the way, M134 Minigun fires up to a 100 bullets in a SECOND. Meaning it has a potential to kill 100 people in a second.
Yall believe all these conspiracies, but dont believe racism is systematic. Give me a fucking break.
Not that I've seen any conclusive evidence, but those 75 minutes that it took for them to get to that room?
Like something straight out of the 2007 'Shooter' flick.
I don't know who this Paddock guy was in the story, but did he do it alone?
I find that hard to swallow.
I don't know who's biting the bullet on this one, but both Las Vegas and Grenfell Tower don't add up in my book.
Again, no conclusive evidence.
It's the lack of any that has me on the fence
This is supercool! @pressfortruth Thanks! Followed...