Centralized vs Decentralized platform || My Opinion

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone ...

Today I have shared my opinion about centralized and decentralized platform. I was on centralized social platform for many years like facebook, instagram or may be chatting apps like watsup , viber but that time I had no idea about decentralized platform. Please watch my video and let me know what you think about my perspective and opinion...



▶️ DTube

I like centralized platforms more

May be you have your own reason..

Your videos are super well edited! Glad to see I'm not the only one vlogging on this topic. The decentralization of media platforms is an incredibly important phenomena going forward in the world of privacy, and I'm glad projects like DTube and Steemit are addressing it.

Lets hope for best.. Thanks for stopping by..

Instagram is so behind 2019, no content moderation

I use instagram because of just personal purpose but you are right..

Same here

Well, I just realized that it might not be as important as I thought it is as most people don't know the difference.

It might be beneficial in the long run as we can get users joining and they do not even know that they are on a decentralized platform, because most people don't know that they can be banned. But I assume that @Heimindanger can ban us as well, same as Steemit Inc. At least for now, Steemit was down and this made me feel like I was on Facebook. So it is pretty centralized, of course, there are other factors, and someone could "reactivate/fork" the Blockchain again, but the fact that they can roll it back if they like is pretty scary to me. (not sure about that, but would be good to know)

Anyway, I do believe that it is tough, and I believe in a decentralized future, and I support the idea. I admire the new Dtube posts and like to support projects like @onelovedtube, and I do think that the name is a little trash and I would rebrand it to something modern. (DecentraTube,CetralTube,WeTube, TubeNow, etc.)

Again, I am a little off-topic. It's a fantastic new world, and I think that we have to build it and educate the people and let them know how this works and bring communities from the other platforms (Youtube, Facebook, etc.). It's tough because they don't see any benefits.! And it's very complicated, we are used to it now, but it took me forever to learn it. And I am still discovering new things every day, same as you.

Your video was a bit weird because the sound was out of sync. 🤔

Hi dear @mvd first of all thanks a lot for sharing your opinion with me, really appreciate. I just noticed about sound sync and I am feeling awkward to be honest because when I was uploading and editing it was fine, so may be I have done something wrong..I should be more careful about that from next time...

According to your point I also feel its hard to explain people about decentralized platform infact my family also don't undetstand this matter and they are pretty much active user of facebook , instagram so they have no idea about centralized and decentralized platform. Even you are absolutely right they don't see benefits or may be they don't want to see and obviously it's complicated.

I also support decentralized platform and in near futureall decentralized projects will be succeeded.. Atleast I believe, I am thinking to remake this video in a new way with more explainations. I also support @onelovedtube and now Dtube is growing and giving people some good opportunities so lets see.. About steemit hmm better I need to think again...

Thanks dear...

Yeah, what editing software are you using? I use Camtasia, and I love it. Very easy to understand, and with the new functions, it even takes care of the audio. 😬

Yes, you are right. It is complicated for people to understand. And most people don't see benefits, most of the time there aren't any! The thing is that there weren't any decentralized platforms before. So it's even harder to understand. And western Europe doesn't care much(at least for now). I think it's easier for people in the east to use the platforms, as they know how corrupt a government/company can be.

Anyway, not sure if they will. But we have to build things and bring the people closer and show them the "benefits" like having control over their own money/content and not relying on the third party etc.

Will see how this turns out. 🤔

Happy Dtubing 😬

I am using wondershare flimora , but I think I should give a try your suggested one.. Is it paid software dear??

Exactly, people don't care and may be they are fear or may be they don't wanna introduce ourselves. I am thinking to make a video based on our discussions, what you think??

Ya , we have to show people, have to introduce them with this decentralized term because first as you have said they have to understand the benefit. Like people feel safe keeping money in bank because of safety security terms.. Lolll... well, I also do that :P :P ... But I am aware of what's going on even government policies...

I am really happy that finally we both discussed openly about this topic..

Stay Blessed

Thank you so much dear....@mvd

Sorry for the late reply I am a little busy at the moment, and I am just uploading my videos most of the time. Can't keep up at the moment, which is a good thing 😀

Hm, I have never heard of that, but to be honest, I don't know much about those programs. 🤣

Yes, you have to pay, but I bought it a few years ago. It's a little expensive when you buy it for the first time, but now I pay 50Euro every year, and I get the updates, and they are kind of nice.Makes editing very easy and fast.

That would be a good idea to pick up the topic. 😬

Yeah, do you know Transferwise? I am mainly using it now because you can get a debit card and also a bank account with them, and they have nearly no fees. So far I love it because if you exchange crypto at the moment, it is costly, and useless (for now 🤣)

Wow I had no idea about transferwise... I should check that out plus I should check that software also.. Well , in Ukraine Kharkiv , still I have to figure out lots of things... I will catch you up about transferwise ...Looks like I need that...