It seems like you forgot a few things in your collection of flat earth videos. There for example bob knodel who discovered that the earth is spinning using a laser gyroscope:
Also there is jeran who send out a laser and measured it's height as it passed multiple locations and discovered that the laser seemed to be higher than it would be on a flat earth:
Also Google - The Moon Gives Off Cold Light
Why don't you google "electromagnetic waves" and find out that they always carry a positive energy and therefor cannot cool an object.
If you watched the two videos I linked above you should have noticed that most experiments flat earthers do(apart from observing their own intuition) seem to miraculously fail.
Also most of their theoretical "work" has been dubunked multiple times on the internet(see for example SciManDan).
"I Feel Bad For God Worshipers Programed To Think Earth Is A Flat Plate With No Proof"