Exp Realty Columbia mentorship program is called Expand. Andrew Kuhlmann gives guidance to two mentees LaSandre Williams (LaSandre Bush), and Melinda Sweatman. Stay tuned for more sessions. If you are a new agent this may be helpful to understand if it would help your career.
If you are part of Drew Kuhlmann's business network or mentee you can be a participant to the calls.
Website to Contact: https://andrewkuhlmann.exprealty.com
Questions on Joining EXP Realty: https://andrewkuhlmann.exprealty.com/...
#exprealtycolumbia, #expmentor, #expmentee, #expandexp #joinexprealty #exprealtynewagents #exprealtysouthcarolina #newrealestateagentmentor
Want to reach out to any of us directly?
Andrew (Drew) Kuhlmann: https://andrewkuhlmann.exprealty.com/...
LaSandre Williams: https://LaSandreWilliams.exprealty.co...
Melinda Sweatman: https://melindasweatman.exprealty.com...
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