Thank you for sharing your experience on this! :) it took me a good 20-24 months to get over the cooked food cravings. After experiencing that, I definitely gotta agree with you—just like a vast majority of all fruitarians will agree—that cooked food is absolutely a drug that we use to numb negative (as well as positive!) emotions.
A short while after I began eating just fruit, I ran into the book Mucusless Diet Healing System, by Arnold Ehret and THAT short book just blew my mind. It goes down as one of the most inspiring books I ever read. It’s short, and I read it in 2 days lol. In his book, he shares a lot of his experiences and observations, and he also attempts to theorize these things. He didn’t have all of the answers, and seeing that he wrote this stuff over 100 years ago made me realize that his information (and many others who say the same thing) have been deliberately ignored for the sake of profiting off others’ addictions.